Owen Fiddler is Released

Marvin D. Wilson has a new book out, published by Cambridge Books. It can be purchased online at: www.amazon.com or www.cambridgebooks.us or at your favorite bookstore.

Detroit, MI, May 19, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Owen Fiddler, is the story of someone who reminds us of things we abhor in others but seldom admit about ourselves. An average kind of guy who takes no responsibility for anything, and everything going wrong is somebody else’s fault. He likes to dance, but never pays the fiddler. It’s a modern day parable on the social and spiritual pitfalls of “self-first” ethics, spun through an entertaining, thought provoking, emotional and oftentimes humorous tale of foolishness and redemption.

“I am elated that this book has been chosen for publication,” Wilson states, “It took months to write and nearly a year to find a suitable publisher. I believe it contains a very valuable message for today’s society.”

Featuring characters like Louis Seiffer, a phony puffed up Satan wannabe, and Kris, a savior with a sense of humor and a bent towards mischief, Owen Fiddler contains elements found in religion, but it is far from religious. Highly spiritual, inspiring, enlightening and engaging, yes; religious, no. A case study in despair and addiction, yes: depressing, no. An imaginative story that tugs at the heart, yes; a book that preaches outdated litanies, no.

Owen Fiddler, like many, is caught between worlds. On the one hand, the “small voice” within has been stifled by Owen’s refusal to take charge of his life and responsibility for his reality. And yet, the voice, the Word, continues to call. On the other hand, Owen has been pulled by the trials and tribulations of life into a world of illusion and despair. What Owen discovers is that, like most of us, these trials and tribulations are of our own making.

The publisher is a small but highly respected independent press in Maine. "We are very proud to have published Owen Fiddler by Marvin D. Wilson," said Arline Chase, publisher. "We are a small company and choose our books carefully. We only publish work from writers we feel are talented and have a lot to offer."

Marvin D. Wilson has one previous publication, I Romanced The Stone (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie), which currently sells on www.amazon.com. Wilson has a blog at: http://www.inspiritandtruths.blogspot.com and writes articles for e-journals. He enjoys meeting readers at book signings and gives public talks. A southeast Michigan native, he can be contacted through his website at: www.myspace.com/Paize_Fiddler or e-mailed at: marvwilson2010@gmail.com.

Cover art may be downloaded from www.cambridgebooks.us.
Larger images and/or a photo of the author are available by e-mail from marvwilson2010@gmail.com – use the caption: “Owen Fiddler Media Release” in the subject line.

Marvin D. Wilson