Original Oil Paintings "Set the Stage" in Boston's Real Estate Market

Home stager hangs her own artwork to create a desired environment and entice potential buyers.

Original Oil Paintings "Set the Stage" in Boston's Real Estate Market
Boston, MA, May 19, 2008 --(PR.com)-- In today’s slumped market, where single-family home and condominium sales are down 28.3 percent and 35.6 percent respectively from last year, sellers are looking for any angle to set their property apart from the competition, to wow the buyer, and to close the deal. On the flip side, buyers are looking for the best value for their dollar along with a well designed and aesthetically pleasing space.

Home stager/designer, Maureen Reddy, from DaVinci Designer Gallery is well aware of the needs on both sides and satisfied those needs by including her original artwork on the latest staging project. Reddy contends that “ When staging, we are appealing to potential buyers through the senses and creating an emotion. By adding these large format, oil paintings to our design we are evoking a feeling of sophistication and financial success. Home buyers want to see themselves in such an environment.”

Shira Steinberg of RE/Max Unlimited, who has used staging services for several years explains “Maureen's staging takes a property that looks below average for it's price range, and makes it look hot. The attention to detail and now the personal touch of using her art , certainly appeal to the buyer and ensures a quick sale. The original artwork brought this South Boston property up another notch and sets it apart from competitors in the area. Any property sells faster, and sells higher when it is staged in this way”.

Owner of the newly renovated South Boston condos, Rob Sheils, is sold on the staging process and impressed with the art that was used. “The design and staging of this condo conversion was fantastic, but the artwork was the icing on the cake. It feels as if I am looking at the pages of a high end, interior design magazine. We accepted an offer on the property within 10 days and I know that is a direct result of the visual impact that was created in these condos.”

DaVinci Designer Gallery of Winthrop, MA has over 15 years experience in interior design, home staging, and visual merchandising. This varied background and knowledge of the real estate industry allows for a dramatic home transformation that will ultimately translate into a speedy and gainful sale.

DaVinci Designer Gallery
Maureen Reddy