Premier Domain Name Registrar, YBOTI, Places Several Highly Valued Domain Names at Public Auction

YBOTI, a Phoenix, Arizona based Internet services provider, has released several highly valued domain names from stock, and has placed them up for auction. Each domain ranks high in word value and desirability. Some have been active URL's and are still listed in Google. Two of the domains are associated with a popular online card game, "hold em". In a time when a good URL is often difficult to obtain, this release creates an unusual opportunity.

Phoenix, AZ, May 23, 2008 --( The importance of a good name has been emphasized throughout time. In today's Internet marketing world it is no less important. Sometimes a company's success or failure can ride on the quality and "stickiness" of a name - or, in this case, a domain name. With thousands of new domain names being registered each day, one has to be very cleaver to find a name that has all the right qualities that make a winning URL. Across the country, or even across world, there may be hundreds of different businesses bearing the same name.

Consider how many "Bob's Bakery" businesses there must be, even within a single state or town. But on the Internet everyone must choose from a single pool of names. On the entire planet there can be but one So, when known good domain names become available again it creates a rare opportunity.

Among the domains released for auction by YBOTI are several URL's associated with the popular card game "Hold em". Others have been related to active sites and are still listed in Google. The URLs YBOTI has released are:
14th-Street dot com would be an excellent name selection for anyone wanting to start an online retail center. This is one of those very catchy names that could easily become "the next big trend."
Halle's Heart dot com is a delightful opportunity for someone to cash in on a heart felt sentiment. It is versatile enough to be a personal or a business URL.
Looks Familiar dot com was once the online home of a Festus look-a-like (Kenneth Hagen's character form the popular 1960's TV show, Gunsmoke). It still garners web matches and has active links. The name is general enough that it cold easily be adapted to any number of online opportunities. The original business concept that drove the name is also still viable. The idea was to market a site for look-a-like actors and impersonators. &
Anyone involved in the online gaming world would quickly realize the value of these two domain names. Hold em, and Texas Hold Em are two very popular poker games played online as well as at kitchen tables everywhere. Someone with gaming insight and foresight will see the business value of these domain names.

Bids are being taken at

YBOTI (y-bot-ee) is an acronym for "Your Business On The Internet". YBOTI is a provider of domain name registration, website hosting, website design and other web and Internet based services. They are located in Phoenix, AZ, and service businesses across the United States. More information is available at their company website:

Rick Allen