Latest Addition in the World of Pixel Advertising plans to beat all the other Pixel Advertising websites.

Pune, India, April 01, 2006 --( is yet another website catering to the need of the business fraternity and other publicity genre. Ever since Alex Tew created the Million Dollar Homepage, hundreds of such websites have sprung up. Each one has created his own way of depicting his site showing his distinct individuality. And one such distinct and eye-catching is the 1 Dollar Ad Space-the website created by an undergraduate student.

The site is designed with such a backdrop that any ads placed in the blocks will get a zooming effect and the clarity of the block will highlight the ads. The publicity that will be generated is going to be manifold and enormous.

With the advent of Internet age, a revolution has taken place where the world has shrunk and the distance becoming a non-entity. From one corner of the earth you communicate to the other end within a fraction of a minute. This age is such that anyone who is noticed prominently will be taken note of forthwith.

With this backdrop the author of 1 Dollar Ad Space has endeavored his best to create a website to make it more visible. “More viewership more business”. This is the new mantra of the advertising world. To cater to this adage and to give the advertiser his optimum impact and publicity the 1 Dollar Ad Space is truly a boon. A thing of beauty is joy forever and to enhance that beauty make up is done. And the 1 Dollar Ad Space is also dressed up to get maximum impact. Finally, the inscription on a war front says, “For your tomorrow I have given my today”. Here this ad space author has given his today for your better tomorrow.

Home in to the where the block of pixels will make your world change.

1 Dollar Ad Space
Rahul Iyer