"Everyday Leadership" Challenges Out-Dated Ideas About Leadership and Declares You Will Make a Difference

Atlanta, GA, September 29, 2022 --(PR.com)-- Brian Unell, a transformational healthcare executive and motivational speaker, will launch his new book, Everyday Leadership, with a hardcover release on October 25, 2022, with publisher Clovercroft Publishing. The book guides people of all ages by providing tips, tweaks, and techniques to enhance their leadership skills and apply them to everyday life.

Unell shares concepts that allow readers to become better leaders by improving communication and approaching each situation with the appropriate mindset. By focusing on these two areas, Unell doles out real-life stories and ideas, along with just the right amount of research to obtain results and create positive impact, in any setting, from the boardroom to the playroom, the locker room to the ballroom, the classroom to the emergency room, and even the virtual meeting room.

“Everyday Leadership is the art and science of leveraging, applying, and executing three elements: your traits, a growth mindset, and creating a culture of empowerment through communication,” said author Unell. “I want to erase the idea that leadership is only for some by sharing how everyone of us has the ability and opportunity to impact the lives of others dozens of times each day.”

Key features of the book include:
· Real-life stories and everyday experiences
· What it means to be a leader
· Cracking the code for clear communication

The digital version of Everyday Leadership can be ordered on Amazon.

About The Author
Born and raised in Atlanta, Brian Unell is a transformational health executive, consultant, and motivational speaker. Driven with a passion for leading and mentoring teams, Unell holds commendable experience in leading transformational consulting projects, including a $180M technology implementation and a team of over 1500 people. For more information, visit brianunell.com.
Everyday Leadership
Tina Fleming