Sirvent & Hill Changes the Estate Planning Paradigm by Planning for Legal Issues That Arise During Life and Death

If all you have is a will, you and your estate are not protected. Just think Terry Schiavo.

Mesa, AZ, May 26, 2008 --( Sirvent & Hill, PLC have changed the estate planning paradigm. Typical estate planning does not meet the needs of today's families. Just think of what happened to Terry Schiavo and Nancy Cruzan. With advances in medical technology, estate planning has become more than stating where you want your property to go after your death. It is now a way to manage your property and health, while you are alive and well, while you are alive but incapacitated, and after you have passed on. Doing this while giving what you have, to whom you want, when you want and saving every last tax dollar, professional fee and court cost legally possible - is the goal Sirvent & Hill brings to every estate planning client. Sirvent & Hill have new offices in Mesa and Scottsdale to serve clients Valleywide in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Though wills, trusts, and powers of attorneys are important estate planning tools, an attorney should first learn about the client's concerns and goals, and then only after learning about the client, design and implement the tools necessary to achieve the objectives. Sirvent & Hill, PLC customizes plans to meet each persons objectives - no two clients receive the same documents - because no two clients have exactly the same goals. Speak with one of our attorneys to learn more about achieving your goals. Call 480-209-6942 or visit

Sirvent & Hill, PLC
Francisco P. Sirvent