Inspiring and Transformative Weight Loss Book Teaches How to Heal Relationship with Food and Body

Cherished for its abundant compassion, award-winning author and registered dietitian Dr. Annette Colby releases ground-breaking self-help book that shows how to overcome old sabotage patterns, food addictions, weight issues, and fears through self-discovery and understanding. Body Redesign will touch the heart as it illustrates exactly how to call a truce with self, body, and food, and then structure a brand new life.

Dallas, TX, May 27, 2008 --( Registered dietitian and award-winning author Dr. Annette Colby releases life-changing new book, Body Redesign: Goal Setting Secrets to a Thinner, Happier You - a profound resource where spirit and science connect. Create a love affair with self that will finally allow the empowerment needed to stop struggling with food, lose weight, and have more joy than ever before.

A unique and important book that provides the perfect balance of heart and expertise to end emotional eating, compulsive eating, binge eating, and overeating behaviors. There's nothing like Body Redesign on the market today.

"A powerfully guided process that will not only heal your relationship with food and body, but will transform your life - it's fantastic!" Emily Haeussler, Registered Dietitian.

In this unique book, anyone trapped in an endless cycle of food, despair, and weight issues will establish a new foundation for success. Fresh, clear, and compassionate - Body Redesign shows how to lose weight while creating a life that allows the heart to sing, the mind to expand, and the spirit to soar.

- Learn the biggest reasons why most goals fail
- End the bad habits that stand in the way of successful weight loss
- Stay focused and motivated when it really counts
- Stop constantly thinking about food
- Learn instant tools that end self-sabotage
- Develop unstoppable belief in yourself

Learn to stop procrastinating, become powerful in the face of fears, and stay on track until the goal is successfully accomplished. Make real changes that last a lifetime.

About the Author:
Annette Colby, Ph.D. R.D., is an internationally known consultant, educator, and visionary author. Her contagious passion for life is shared in her writing and private practice where she inspires people to believe in themselves and find themselves worthy of receiving their dreams. For over two decades, she has been committed to showing people how to take the pain out of life, turn difficult emotions into joy, release stress, end emotional eating, and move beyond depression into an extraordinary life. Annette is the author of Your Highest Potential: The New Psychology of Understanding and Working with Self and Body Redesign: Goal Setting Secrets for a Thinner, Happier You.

Body Redesign: Goal Setting Secrets to a Happier, Thinner You is distributed nationally to the publishing industry through Ingram and Baker & Taylor. It may also be ordered through Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and through the author's website.

Author: Annette Colby, PhD
Brown Books Publishing Group
Self Help / Mind Body Spirit • 208 pages • $16.95
ISBN 9781934812075 • March 2008

Dr. Annette Colby, RD