Increased Profits - Yours for the Taking; Meditation Videos on Work Computers – the New Revolution

When a person takes a ten-minute meditation break at the point where they are starting to feel stressed, and then concentrates on something other than the things causing stress, then the body naturally produces measurable ‘puffs of nitric oxide’ which significantly reduces the effects of the adrenalines and hormones that build up to cause the underlying symptoms of stress. A new UK company is addressing this with video meditations for the workplace.

Huddersfield, United Kingdom, May 27, 2008 --( John Edmonds MSc has been following the work of leading global experts who have discovered recently that when a person takes a ten-minute meditation break at the point where they are starting to feel stressed, and then concentrates on something other than the things causing stress, then the body naturally produces measurable ‘puffs of nitric oxide’ which significantly reduces the effects of the adrenalines and hormones that build up to cause the underlying symptoms of stress.

The twist of irony is that some managers, who may have been seen previously by their Board as a hero for forcing people to work long and hard without a break, may now be considered grossly negligent because such an activity inevitably results in evoking increased stress levels in staff, proven nowadays to equate to productivity reduction and lower profits.

John is a 59 year old successful business executive living in West Yorkshire (UK) who has held many senior positions in companies across the UK, Sweden and Australia, and most recently spent 8 years at Huddersfield University helping graduates start up over 200 new businesses at long-term success rates exceeding 75%. After years of studying meditation and its effects on business, John believes that meditation is quickly coming ‘out of the closet’ to become a significant business tool which can be used from shop floor to boardroom; a tool that enhances productivity, increases profits and results in reduced staff stress - three major key areas of interest for any organisation, including the public service sector.

In the 21st century, effective management may mean identifying stressed staff and forcing them to take a ‘10-minute meditation break’ where appropriate in order for them to experience the naturally occurring ‘puffs of nitric oxide’ which will inevitably will keep them going. (Different staff of course may require different attention, as stress tolerance levels across a range of people will be different.) This revolution in management thinking can be firmly linked to measurable scientific evidence unknown even five years ago.

In a world where stress is costing billions of pounds a year to industry and where productivity and profits have never been more important, simple meditation could be the answer to all three. John says: “The past problem with meditation has always been its image, and people’s erroneous perception that it needs to be linked to mysticism, Gurus, drugs and hippies. In fact, nothing is further from the truth. Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly at a desk and taking a few minutes break to focus on breathing whilst excluding all other thoughts – what might be called ‘An alert No-Mind State.’ This simple practice alters a person’s chemical make-up and prepares them to continue.”

John’s new UK business called Meditate-In-Minutes is addressing this situation by producing and supplying ten to fifteen minute vide meditations which can be placed on corporate computers for staff to access on demand. For details, contact John at or telephone: +44 (0) 1484 688 805.

John Edmonds
+44 (0) 1484 688 805