Clarity Projects Launches Marketing e-Book for Small Business

Clarity Projects created a small book a couple of years ago and have now turned it into an e-book. A concise, fun yet practical insight into what small business owners should be focusing on when it comes to making their marketing more successful and gaining a better return on investment

Exeter, United Kingdom, May 27, 2008 --( The key indications are that e-books are about to evolve into a revolution. Publishers Weekly has forecast that 2008 is the year for e-book sales and that the internet will drive this new format. Their claim is that by the end of 2008, almost every straight text title published with commercial intent will be available.

Harper Collins too have launched a new e-book service specifically to work with Apple’s iPhone and The Booker Prize Foundation have announced that in conjunction with the British Council, it would release it’s short listed books as e-books.

Does this progress the slow death of the traditional book we hear you ask? Well perhaps not. The e-book has enormous potential but will probably not replace the dead tree media type for at least a couple of decades. Citing many articles most people agree, but strangely, they do tend to be obsessed with e-books taking over completely. This is not the case, people will still want to read that novel or text book (typically over 200 pages) in the bath, beach or by the pool. Many people forget that reading is an experience no matter where you do it.

What is apparent though, is that lives are becoming increasingly digital. The younger generations have known nothing but the digital age. The key is that e-books will not replace that dog eared copy of Kane and Abel completely. They will be just used in certain places, at certain times and with certain types of subject matter. They are great for the commute, quick reads – less than 200 words and lengthy travel.

Increasingly, they are often associated as another form of communicating with business customers, a unique interesting way to market and support clients in their problem solving lives. This was Clarity Projects’ aim. Targeting themselves with releasing at least five small e-books in 2008, it’s been an exciting project so far, if not a little exhausting.

Ann Holman, Clarity’s MD and author of the books explains, “We were interested in how we could reinforce some of the learning on our seminars without handing out the usual boring and tedious hand outs. We came up with the e-books as a way of differentiating ourselves. I enjoyed myself so much I’ve just kept writing them!”

She adds “When we first investigated it, many people were quite opposed. Although the first book is free we aim to charge a small fee for the rest. People kept saying that with a download you can’t stop people simply passing it on without paying or contravening copyright but earning money is not our goal and anyway people have been borrowing books from each other for years! I’d also mention the impact of the iPod. We ignored most of it believing it would be a fun thing to do and the response has been tremendous.”

Additional books covering leadership, customers, sales, team building and brand are due later in the year. Put Clarity Projects in your search engine and download the marketing book now.

Clarity Projects Ltd is a dynamic inspirational training business based in the UK. The company works with small and medium sized businesses helping them to grow, become more profitable and sustainable. Clarity Projects also supports high growth starts up and works in partnership with universities, chambers and business support agencies developing bespoke, training projects. For more information go to Clarity Projects website.

Contact Ann Holman on +440845 2245 742 or email

Clarity Projects
Ann Holman
+440845 2245 742
Mobile number 07739 695560