Hilarious New Novel of Amorous Youth

Jack Forge has published his second book on Lulu.com, the online marketplace for traditional and digital media content.

Seattle, WA, May 27, 2008 --(PR.com)-- While the novel tells the time-treasured biographical story of a boy’s sexual awakening, the tale is rich in the timeless dreams, foibles, and fantasies of everyone.

The young main character of the novel, Sonny Dennison, embarks on a less than noble quest. He is searching for the maiden with which to sacrifice his virginity. In the comical process he learns about love and sex as well as himself and discovers glimpses of truth and beauty.

Jack says: “I recalled my own life while writing the book but soon realized it was taking on a life of its own and transcending anything I had experienced as an adolescent.”

Readers can preview and buy the novel, titled Amateur At Heart, at www.lulu.com/jackforge

John Stephen Rohde