New Life Insurance Calculator Does the Hard Work for You

A common problem among shoppers of a new life insurance policy, is trying to figure out just how much insurance they need. Now, thanks to the Life Insurance Calculator, it's as simple as the click of a mouse.

Springfield, MO, May 29, 2008 --( When it comes to shopping for a new life insurance policy, one of the first questions shoppers ask is, “How much insurance do I need?”. But now, thanks to the people behind the new Life Insurance Calculator, shoppers just have to sit back and relax, while letting the calculator do all the hard work.

The online calculator is free and really quite simple to use. There's nothing to download and visitors simply fill in a few pieces of information. The calculator considers important obligations, like a mortgage, outstanding debt, and a child's education. By using a person's yearly salary as a factor, the Life Insurance Calculator is able to accurately display a recommend amount of insurance to purchase.

“While no computer script can know everything about your needs, the Life Insurance Calculator definitely provides a good starting place,” says spokeswoman Marilyn Katz.

The site also provides users with a safe online insurance quote form, allowing users to estimate the cost of an insurance policy once an amount has been calculated.

The Life Insurance Calculator is available to other insurance sites to use, as long as they link back to site, located at

For more information on the Life Insurance Calculator, please visit

Contact Information:

Marilyn Katz

Subnixus PR Services
Eric Reynolds