Cigar Life TV: Streaming Network (+ Cigar Lounge Money Maker)
Cigar Life TV, the 1st streaming network designed exclusively for the cigar life culture, helps cigar lounges keep patrons engaged, gives a platform to cigar-loving content creators, & provides affordable marketing to small businesses, all available on RokuTV, FireTV, AppleTV, Android, and Apple mobile apps. Cigar Life TV Launches on December 15, 2022.
Austin, TX, December 04, 2022 --( Cigar Life TV streams original, cigar-centric content, including podcasts, and product showcases from premier cigar brands, available on popular on-demand channels RokuTV, FireTV, AppleTV, Android, and Apple mobile apps. Cigar Life TV launches on December 15, 2022.
True Gent Cigars is thrilled to announce the launch of Cigar Life TV, the newest inspiration from Eddie Green Sr. founder, and CEO of True Gent Cigars (TGC). Green is an author, serial entrepreneur, and futurist renowned for innovation and keen foresight for the newest trends. TGC evolved from Green’s trifecta of passions: cigar culture, delight in the finer things in life, and always being a True Gentleman.
Cigar Life TV is the first streaming network designed exclusively for cigar aficionados. Offerings include cigar-related podcasts and spotlight showcase videos from some of the industry’s premier cigar brands. The Cigar Life TV team will create product mini-docs (documentaries) for cigar, liquor, and related brands. Subscribers can access Cigar Life TV through RokuTV, FireTV, AppleTV, Android, and Apple mobile apps.
Earlier this year, in partnership with NFiniT Digital Management Green, launched the CigarLife NFT project, designed to educate and empower cigar lovers about Web3 and NFTs. Cigar Life TV is the next step in creating additional advantages for the cigar life culture.
Green remarked, “The idea for Cigar Life TV occurred to me after we completed the CigarLife NFT project. I envisioned a streaming network with three primary benefits: giving cigar lounge owners the tools to keep their patrons engaged; being a platform for cigar-loving content providers to be creative and providing an affordable marketing opportunity to small businesses. Cigar Life TV is that network.”
Green knows well the power of partnership. He met serial entrepreneurs Jason Armstrong, and Caesar Bell at Tampa Cigar Week 2022, one of the premier annual U.S. cigar events and a place where great friendships are forged.
Jason Armstrong, who founded Den of Thieves Whiskey + Tristan Lee Cigars, is a founding member, owner, and investor in Cigar Life TV.
“With my unique position in the cigar and spirits industry, this is an exciting opportunity to bring exposure and representation to a lot of boutique cigar brands,” Armstrong commented. “Eddie and I share the joys and excitement of owning and operating multiple businesses concurrently. That’s why when I heard about Cigar Life TV it was a no-brainer for me to jump on board.”
Caesar Bell, the spokesman for Cigar Life TV, is a highly regarded comedian, and the founder of Caesar’s Choice, (a line of spice rubs and sauces).
Caesar notes, “When I met Eddie at Tampa Cigar Week, we each had booths and sampled each other’s wares. I really enjoyed his sticks (cigars), and he really enjoyed my spice rubs and sauces. Eddie’s great sticks had me hooked, so when he shared about Cigar Life TV and asked me to be the spokesman, the deal was sealed. I always say, ‘cigars can unite the world.’ Anywhere in the world, a cigar is the common denominator to spark a conversation, simply by the camaraderie created in the atmosphere of enjoying a cigar. Bottom line, what do we need to remedy any situation? Conversation, and understanding each other; that’s why I say cigars can unite the world.”
Cigar Life TV Launches on December 15, 2022. Parties interested in learning more about becoming partner lounges, options for investment, opportunities for affordable small business marketing, or cigar-loving content creator options can contact
True Gent Cigars is thrilled to announce the launch of Cigar Life TV, the newest inspiration from Eddie Green Sr. founder, and CEO of True Gent Cigars (TGC). Green is an author, serial entrepreneur, and futurist renowned for innovation and keen foresight for the newest trends. TGC evolved from Green’s trifecta of passions: cigar culture, delight in the finer things in life, and always being a True Gentleman.
Cigar Life TV is the first streaming network designed exclusively for cigar aficionados. Offerings include cigar-related podcasts and spotlight showcase videos from some of the industry’s premier cigar brands. The Cigar Life TV team will create product mini-docs (documentaries) for cigar, liquor, and related brands. Subscribers can access Cigar Life TV through RokuTV, FireTV, AppleTV, Android, and Apple mobile apps.
Earlier this year, in partnership with NFiniT Digital Management Green, launched the CigarLife NFT project, designed to educate and empower cigar lovers about Web3 and NFTs. Cigar Life TV is the next step in creating additional advantages for the cigar life culture.
Green remarked, “The idea for Cigar Life TV occurred to me after we completed the CigarLife NFT project. I envisioned a streaming network with three primary benefits: giving cigar lounge owners the tools to keep their patrons engaged; being a platform for cigar-loving content providers to be creative and providing an affordable marketing opportunity to small businesses. Cigar Life TV is that network.”
Green knows well the power of partnership. He met serial entrepreneurs Jason Armstrong, and Caesar Bell at Tampa Cigar Week 2022, one of the premier annual U.S. cigar events and a place where great friendships are forged.
Jason Armstrong, who founded Den of Thieves Whiskey + Tristan Lee Cigars, is a founding member, owner, and investor in Cigar Life TV.
“With my unique position in the cigar and spirits industry, this is an exciting opportunity to bring exposure and representation to a lot of boutique cigar brands,” Armstrong commented. “Eddie and I share the joys and excitement of owning and operating multiple businesses concurrently. That’s why when I heard about Cigar Life TV it was a no-brainer for me to jump on board.”
Caesar Bell, the spokesman for Cigar Life TV, is a highly regarded comedian, and the founder of Caesar’s Choice, (a line of spice rubs and sauces).
Caesar notes, “When I met Eddie at Tampa Cigar Week, we each had booths and sampled each other’s wares. I really enjoyed his sticks (cigars), and he really enjoyed my spice rubs and sauces. Eddie’s great sticks had me hooked, so when he shared about Cigar Life TV and asked me to be the spokesman, the deal was sealed. I always say, ‘cigars can unite the world.’ Anywhere in the world, a cigar is the common denominator to spark a conversation, simply by the camaraderie created in the atmosphere of enjoying a cigar. Bottom line, what do we need to remedy any situation? Conversation, and understanding each other; that’s why I say cigars can unite the world.”
Cigar Life TV Launches on December 15, 2022. Parties interested in learning more about becoming partner lounges, options for investment, opportunities for affordable small business marketing, or cigar-loving content creator options can contact
Cigar Life TV
Eddie Green, Sr.
(512) 436-3410
Eddie Green, Sr.
(512) 436-3410