Podcasting 2.0 – 40’s Style Audio Drama Complete with Actors, Sound Effects and Director

New York, NY, May 30, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Christof Laputka, a banker by day, science fiction author by night, announces the launch of The Leviathan Chronicles. “TLC” is a stylish downloadable science fiction audio drama that you can listen to via its website or download for your iPod. The first five episodes of The Chronicles can be heard free as a podcast in order to "hook" the listener with its dynamic plot. Subsequent episodes can be downloaded or enjoyed on the site for a small fee via its custom website, one that is interactive and intertwines with the narrative.

Inspired by a darker breed of sci-fi, the Chronicles track Macallan Orsel, a young genetic scientist in present-day New York City who discovers that she is descended from powerful immortals living secretly among us. Laputka is hoping to bring podcasting to another level by merging vanguard web technology with the artistry and wonder of old-fashioned radio shows. The Leviathan Chronicles achieves an ambitious original storyline and aural experience unlike anything presently heard online. The cast includes over 40 voice actors, cutting-edge sound effects and an original musical score. Laputka spent a considerable amount of budget on the website as well as the production and quality of the audio. The website is meant to propel the listener into the dark and mysterious "soundscape" as well as serve as a base for subscribers to chat on the forum and gather news and information concerning The Chronicles.

The Business Model:
Season 1 of The Leviathan Chronicles launched on 4/21/08 and consists of 25 episodes, available exclusively on the e-commerce enabled website or on iTunes.com. Each episode is approximately 30 to 45 minutes and episodes are released every 10 days. Much like a television show, there will be a hiatus of about 3-4 months with Season 2 resuming later in the year.

About Christof Laputka:
The Leviathan Chronicles are written and created by Christof Laputka and directed by Nobi Nakanishi. In partnering with Lightmaker, an award winning interactive agency that has worked with the likes of J.K. Rowling, Sony, and Microsoft, Christof was able to create a website that supports his vision of an immortal world with hidden secrets. Christof is an adept travel writer and has blogged about his recent journey around the world on his website, To Boldly Go (http://web.mac.com/claputka/To_Boldly_Go/). He is also finishing a comedic novel called “The Underwear Incident”, describing his crazy years on Wall Street. Laputka is available to comment on the emergence of podcasting as a literary outlet and Internet culture.

Visit the site (www.leviathanchronicles.com) often to find new content and get the latest episodes.

The Leviathan Chronicles
Amy Parks