Amateurs to Capture Vancouver

Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 06, 2008 --( Vancouver photo enthusiasts are looking at a $200 grand prize thanks to the first Vancouver Photo Contest of the Month at

“For me, Vancouver is the most beautiful city in the world”, Vancover realtor Jay Banks says. Himself an amateur photographer, Mr. Banks is the man behind the idea of collecting the greatest photos of his city as captured by amateurs. “I want to encourage talented Vancouverites to show the rest of us how they view their city.”

But would he accept entries from photographers who don't live in Vancouver?

“Yes, if their view of the city was sincere enough. But I'm not looking for anything touristy,” Mr. Banks says.

Ending on the last day of June, the contest can be followed at, where a daily selection of the best entries will be published. According to Mr. Banks, at the end of 2008, a photo book of the best images will also be created. Not intended for sale, the album will be presented as an additional reward to the monthly winners.


About Jay Banks:
Jay Banks is an award winning realtor and amateur photographer working in the Vancouver and Richmond real estate markets since 1991. He is a member of the RE/MAX Crest Realty and Master Medallion Club winner for nine years. For additional information contact Jay Banks at or call him directly at 604.240.9700.
Jay Banks
Laszlo Juhasz