Dr. Gregory E. Johnson Resumes Teaching Johnson BioPhysics® Technique and Ring Dinger® Adjustment to Licensed Chiropractors in Houston, Texas
Renowned Houston chiropractor, Dr. Gregory E. Johnson, is excited to announce the resumption of his teaching endeavors, sharing his trademarked Johnson BioPhysics® technique and famous Ring Dinger® adjustment with licensed chiropractors in Houston, Texas.
Houston, TX, May 26, 2023 --(PR.com)-- Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory E. Johnson resumes teaching other licensed chiropractors the Johnson BioPhysics® technique including his famous Ring Dinger® adjustment in Houston Texas. Dr. Johnson is currently teaching licensed chiropractors the science, art and philosophy of his trademarked adjusting techniques again after a year of transitioning his Chiropractic practice, Advanced Chiropractic Relief in Houston Texas to his protege and personal favorite chiropractor Dr. Tristan Wendt who has trained under Dr. Johnson over the past 8 years being a patient first, then interning for over a year before attending Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport Iowa the same Chiropractic College Dr. Johnson graduated from in 1981. Dr. Wendt is now the main adjusting Chiropractor at Advanced Chiropractic Relief in Houston Texas with Dr. Johnson still accepting new patients who want to receive the Johnson BIoPhysics technique so he can teach his seminars on M-T-Ws to other licensed chiropractors from around the United States. Dr. Johnson is also working with a top neurophysiologist and Chiropractor Dr. Heidi Haavik, PhD., D.C. at the New Zealand Chiropractic Research department in Auckland New Zealand to publish scientific research on his techniques, adding to the scientific literature on the chiropractic adjustment of the vertebral subluxation and its impact on brian neuroplasticity. This groundbreaking scientific research on chiropractic plays an important role in understanding the science, art and philosophy of chiropractic adjustments for the entire chiropractic profession.
In addition to training licensed chiropractors how to effectively adjust patients on the X, Y & Z axes he also helps Chiropractors how to build and sustain a low overhead cash practice getting away from the nightmare of insurance billing and collections which is not worth what Dr. Johnson's BioPhysics® technique including the Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® aka the Ring Dinger® adjustment setting them apart from other chiropractors in the treatment some of the most common serious spine conditions such as herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathies, scoliosis, Numbness and tingling, (Paresthesia), foot drop, cervical and lumbar stenosis utilizing the newest scientific research published in the medical literature educating chiropractors about the new science of chiropractic adjustments of the vertebral subluxation affecting brain neuroplasticity.This allows chiropractors to utilize his advanced chiropractic adjusting techniques with a higher level of certainty helping more patients with serous spine conditions competently.
He also licenses chiropractors who take his seminar, using his specialized equipment to deliver the most powerful chiropractic adjustment technique on the planet with confidence and expertise. Dr. Johnson has several federal trademarks that attendees can acquire to market their practice, setting them apart from the crowded chiropractic field. The 3 federal trademarks Dr. Johnson licenses licensed chiropractors to use are Ring Dinger®, Team Ring Dinger® & Johnson BioPhysics® for only $295.00/mo. Chiropractors who use Dr. Johnson's techniques and protocols are seeing better patient outcomes, seeing more new patients, and earning more money in their chiropractic practice allowing them financial freedom and the peace that comes with a low overhead cash practice like Dr. Johnson built and sustained at his Advanced Chiropractic Relief office in Houston Texas with over 42 years of practice experience and expertise.
Dr. Johnson's ultimate goal is to help chiropractors be better chiropractors helping as many patients as possible with their newly acquired Johnson BioPhysics® adjusting techniques. This is also Dr. Johnson's personal purpose in life, helping as many people as he possibly can with chiropractic care. Training other chiropractors how to be successful in the practice of chiropractic is a continuation of his purpose in life.
For those licensed chiropractors who love chiropractic like Dr. Johnson does and wants to be as successful as possible please go to Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC website and sign up today to become the best chiropractor you can be.
Welcome to Team Ring Dinger®.
In addition to training licensed chiropractors how to effectively adjust patients on the X, Y & Z axes he also helps Chiropractors how to build and sustain a low overhead cash practice getting away from the nightmare of insurance billing and collections which is not worth what Dr. Johnson's BioPhysics® technique including the Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® aka the Ring Dinger® adjustment setting them apart from other chiropractors in the treatment some of the most common serious spine conditions such as herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathies, scoliosis, Numbness and tingling, (Paresthesia), foot drop, cervical and lumbar stenosis utilizing the newest scientific research published in the medical literature educating chiropractors about the new science of chiropractic adjustments of the vertebral subluxation affecting brain neuroplasticity.This allows chiropractors to utilize his advanced chiropractic adjusting techniques with a higher level of certainty helping more patients with serous spine conditions competently.
He also licenses chiropractors who take his seminar, using his specialized equipment to deliver the most powerful chiropractic adjustment technique on the planet with confidence and expertise. Dr. Johnson has several federal trademarks that attendees can acquire to market their practice, setting them apart from the crowded chiropractic field. The 3 federal trademarks Dr. Johnson licenses licensed chiropractors to use are Ring Dinger®, Team Ring Dinger® & Johnson BioPhysics® for only $295.00/mo. Chiropractors who use Dr. Johnson's techniques and protocols are seeing better patient outcomes, seeing more new patients, and earning more money in their chiropractic practice allowing them financial freedom and the peace that comes with a low overhead cash practice like Dr. Johnson built and sustained at his Advanced Chiropractic Relief office in Houston Texas with over 42 years of practice experience and expertise.
Dr. Johnson's ultimate goal is to help chiropractors be better chiropractors helping as many patients as possible with their newly acquired Johnson BioPhysics® adjusting techniques. This is also Dr. Johnson's personal purpose in life, helping as many people as he possibly can with chiropractic care. Training other chiropractors how to be successful in the practice of chiropractic is a continuation of his purpose in life.
For those licensed chiropractors who love chiropractic like Dr. Johnson does and wants to be as successful as possible please go to Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC website and sign up today to become the best chiropractor you can be.
Welcome to Team Ring Dinger®.
Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC
Dr. Gregory E. Johnson
Dr. Gregory E. Johnson
