Big Mind, LLC Announces Beta Launch of - a Complete Resource for Everything Video Game Related

Big Mind, LLC is announcing their official launch of video gamers website. To help kick start some buzz, Big Mind, LLC is offering a Game System Bundle contest just for joining.

Los Angeles, CA, June 07, 2008 --( Big Mind, LLC, a privately owned company, is announcing it's beta launch of, a gamers community, news and product website, June 15th. The information was provided by company founder John Mauser, an internet business veteran and video game connoisseur.

The video game industry, formally known as "interactive entertainment," is a 9.5 billion dollar industry that is seeing a strong surge in the e-commerce market. Noticing the potential and growth, John decided it would be a great time to expand on what other game website leaders have started. will provide a new and exciting mix between game cheats, news, product reviews, free games and interaction for gaming enthusiasts worldwide, while being on the cutting edge technologically.

"The launch of is a first step in the company's long term goals of providing a free network for the people who drive the business, the gamers" says John Mauser. "We feel that our strategic partnerships with some of the largest companies will help unify and create a standard second to none in the internet gaming community."

In addition to their beta launch, Big Mind, LLC is also planning an end of month kick-off of its counterpart,, a full service gamer community that will allow users worldwide to participate and compete in weekly prizes for contributing opinions, reviews, and thoughts on anything gamer related.

In pre-launch fashion, GS is running a "Win a Game System Bundle" promotion to entice gamers to stop by and check out what they have to offer. See details at their website.

About Big Mind, LLC

Big Mind, LLC is a privately owned corporation with veteran leadership in founder John Mauser. Staff and contributors from all walks of life worldwide have provided a solid foundation for a successful network. Big Mind looks to unify an industry so broad and diverse. Companies looking for strategic partnerships to distribute news and product advertising are encouraged to contact the advertising department.

Big Mind, LLC
John Mauser