Presidential Candidate Tells God Spare Life Author: “Your Struggle to Break Boundaries Never Before Crossed is Truly Inspirational”

Senator Barack Obama writes to Dr. Claudia Thomas, author of God Spare Life and America's first black female orthopedic surgeon, thanking her for the copy of her autobiography. Obama also encourages Claudia to continue spreading her message about overcoming diversity.

Rochester, NY, June 07, 2008 --( While the world watches the ensuing political campaigns of Senators McCain and Obama as they strive to achieve the highest honor this country can bestow, Dr. Claudia Thomas basks in the honor of knowing her presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama, considers her “truly inspirational.”

Dr. Thomas did not meet Senator Obama personally. Only days before he clinched the Democratic nomination for president, he held a rally in Florida. Dr. Thomas was present at the rally and listened as the Senator spoke on the need to bring Americans together, as one people. Before leaving, Dr. Thomas passed a signed copy of her memoirs, God Spare Life, to an Obama aide, never expecting any reply from the Senator, only hoping the book, and its message of diversity – so close to his own – would resonate with him.

“The rally was magical,” Dr. Thomas said in a podcast now featured on her blog. “I came away even more inspired – by the stature of this man, and by his message.” To hear more of Dr. Thomas’s experience at the rally, visit her blog and listen to her podcast, “Barack Obama: Another Magical Moment in History.”

On May 28th, a few days following the rally, Dr. Thomas received a personal letter from Senator Obama, thanking her for sharing her story with him. “Your struggle to break boundaries never before crossed is truly inspirational,” he wrote. “I encourage continuing to spread your message to everyone that we should never give up our hopes and dreams. Of course, the greatest gift you can give is your support, and I truly appreciate it.” The entire letter with the Senator’s signature can be seen on Dr. Thomas’s blog, named after her book, God Spare Life.

The inspirational story Senator Obama refers to is the tale of one woman’s determination to survive. Dr. Thomas describes it as surviving three storms:

· First: riding out the squalls of coming of age as one of the first black students at Vassar College in the 1960s.

· Second, trapped in the jaws of the demonic hurricane Hugo, on the island of St. Thomas – where she prayed over and over, “God Spare Life.”

· And the third, as a patient stricken with kidney cancer, cared for by a devoted mother, and saved by a loving sister’s donation of a kidney.

Today, Dr. Claudia Thomas works tirelessly to promote diversity, to help underserved youth achieve goals through education and to be a role model for people from all walks of life. Her message is that God WILL Spare Life, if you never give up, but, instead, strive for achievement through faith and education.

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