Angela Paganelli’s Newly Released "Foster Blessings" is an Emotionally Charged and Intelligent Discussion of the Ins and Outs of Foster Care

“Foster Blessings,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Angela Paganelli, is a firsthand account of not only being a child within the care system but also how that same child grew into a determined and compassionate foster parent.

Angela Paganelli’s Newly Released "Foster Blessings" is an Emotionally Charged and Intelligent Discussion of the Ins and Outs of Foster Care
Rhinebeck, NY, June 30, 2023 --( “Foster Blessings”: a reflective resource for anyone considering becoming a foster parent. “Foster Blessings” is the creation of published author, Angela Paganelli, the founder of Foster Blessings, has a unique perspective on the first few days that children are in care face. Having been placed in kinship care, and now, along with her husband of almost 20 years, has welcomed over 20 foster children, which has led to 4 adoptions including 2 with special needs.

Paganelli shares, “Imagine for a moment, you are being whisked away from the only home you have ever known. The future is uncertain and you aren’t even aware of your destination. The smell of train tracks carrying you farther and farther away as you clutch your favorite blanket, which is the only certain thing in your world at the moment. You may ask why this is happening, but the only person who can answer that is silent. That is the beginning of this story and one that is felt all over America as children are placed into foster care. The deafening noise of uncertainty as they enter the unknown.

“What about the other side? The foster parents who are just as nervous to open their door to a child that they just learned existed 3 hours ago. The unpredictability of knowing that they could love this child with every fiber of their being, and she could leave them in a moment’s notice.

“There is also a broken first family somewhere who may not know where their child is sleeping. Is he crying for me? Is he thirsty and the family doesn’t understand him? They don’t know he sleeps with his blanket every night. The thoughts swirl as the lack of control as a parent weighs heavy.

“What is the responsibility of Christians in all of this? Church, let’s show up. Let’s be the voice they hear praying for them, loving them, and living out all that James 1:27 really encompasses. This is the heart of Foster Blessings.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Angela Paganelli’s new book will challenge and uplift as readers witness the highs and lows of the foster system.

Consumers can purchase “Foster Blessings” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Foster Blessings,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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