Brandon Nicholson’s Newly Released “Dwelling With God: A Forty-Day Devotional through the Tabernacle” is an Informative and Uplifting Opportunity for Growth

“Dwelling With God: A Forty-Day Devotional through the Tabernacle,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Brandon Nicholson, is a carefully researched study of God’s word regarding the Tabernacle and His desire to dwell amongst His creation.

Brandon Nicholson’s Newly Released “Dwelling With God: A Forty-Day Devotional through the Tabernacle” is an Informative and Uplifting Opportunity for Growth
Grimesland, NC, July 07, 2023 --( “Dwelling With God: A Forty-Day Devotional through the Tabernacle”: a heartfelt reminder of the interconnectedness of God and mankind. “Dwelling With God: A Forty-Day Devotional through the Tabernacle” is the creation of published author Brandon Nicholson, a native of North Carolina and dentist by trade. Brandon enjoys spending time with his wife of sixteen years, his three children, and his two doodles.

Nicholson shares, “For forty years in the desert wilderness, the Tabernacle was the focal point of the Israelite camp. It served as the meeting place for God and His people. He gave specific instructions on the design of this structure in order to provide a place for Him to dwell with His special creation. Dwelling with His people has always been God’s greatest desire. However, there was always a barrier that prevented that intimate relationship with God. Ever since the Garden of Eden, sin had corrupted humanity and kept God at a distance. A sinful humanity could not approach a holy and perfect God.

“The wilderness Tabernacle followed a specific God-given design in order to provide a way to deal with this sin issue and give God’s people a way to worship and approach Him. Every element had a practical function and a purpose but more importantly pointed ahead to something greater. This structure was designed to be just a temporary fix to deal with sin, but it would foreshadow a way or, more accurately, a person that would be capable of putting an end to this sin issue forever.

“As we spend forty days on a journey through the Tabernacle, we will talk about every element, discussing its function and symbolic meaning. As Christians today, the Tabernacle is not the focal point of our worship like it was for the Israelites, but by studying this ancient structure, we can still learn so much about God and His love for His creation. Join me on this journey through the Tabernacle and discover all that God had in mind when He gave Moses the blueprints. The Tabernacle was built so He could dwell with His people again. As you will see along this journey, that desire to dwell with His people still holds true today.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Brandon Nicholson’s new book empowers readers in their pursuit of connection with and understanding of God.

Consumers can purchase “Dwelling With God: A Forty-Day Devotional through the Tabernacle” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Dwelling With God: A Forty-Day Devotional through the Tabernacle,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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