Tommy Thompson’s Newly Released "The Revelation: Read, Hear, and Keep It" is a Scholarly Study of Revelation That Brings Clarity to Key Prophetic Scripture

“The Revelation: Read, Hear, and Keep It,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Tommy Thompson, is an engaging examination of often-debated scripture that examines the knowledge held within the Book of Revelation related to salvation, the world’s end, and God’s redemptive promise.

Tommy Thompson’s Newly Released "The Revelation: Read, Hear, and Keep It" is a Scholarly Study of Revelation That Brings Clarity to Key Prophetic Scripture
Oceanside, CA, July 14, 2023 --( “The Revelation: Read, Hear, and Keep It”: a thoughtful reflection God’s word. “The Revelation: Read, Hear, and Keep It” is the creation of published author Tommy Thompson, who holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in education and a master’s degree in religion. The author has served for almost fifty years as an educator in the California public school system; ten years in high school; and almost forty years as a professor, director, and program coordinator at the California Community College. The author was awarded Professor Emeritus status when he retired. Simultaneously, the author served the Church of Christ at various intervals of time as minister, deacon, and elder for almost seventy years beginning in 1951 and forward to the present time.

Thompson shares, “The Revelation focuses on the big picture that reveals what God wants his bond servants to know concerning their destiny. In The Revelation, God’s thunder sounds and probes the future of his kingdom from the ascension of Jesus to his Second Coming. At a point in time to be determined by God, the faithful church that stands with Jesus on Mount Zion will hear his welcoming call 'Come up here!' This call will herald the end of the church age. These redeemed souls will be led by Jesus to a special place he has prepared for them. All the rest of humanity will be left behind to endure God’s wrath era. The unsaved souls who are left behind will hear their destiny at the Great White Throne Judgment. This final judgment to be executed by God will mark the end of times, and eternity for the redeemed saints will begin.

“The thousand years pictures Satan in solitary confinement in the 'bottomless pit.' Simultaneously, the saints reign with Jesus in the place he has prepared for them. After the thousand years is complete, Satan will be cast summarily into the lake of fire and brimstone. God will then declare, 'It is done,' and the New Jerusalem will enter eternity as God’s holy city on the new heaven and the new earth. In The Revelation, this big picture is opened for all the saints to contemplate. Read on…”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Tommy Thompson’s new book will challenge and inspire as readers take time to reflect on the articulate discussion found within.

Consumers can purchase “The Revelation: Read, Hear, and Keep It” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Revelation: Read, Hear, and Keep It,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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