Ann Ritter’s Newly Released "God and Me Poetry" is an Inspiring Collection of Faith-Driven Poetry That Will Engage the Spirit

“God and Me Poetry,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Ann Ritter, is a thoughtful selection of poems that draw from the author’s reflections on God and potent scriptures shared in hope of deepening one’s connection with Jesus.

Ann Ritter’s Newly Released "God and Me Poetry" is an Inspiring Collection of Faith-Driven Poetry That Will Engage the Spirit
Pittsburgh, PA, August 08, 2023 --( “God and Me Poetry”: a potent spiritual message of humankind’s connection with Christ. “God and Me Poetry” is the creation of published author Ann Ritter, a first-time author who resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with her husband, John. She enjoys spending time with her daughter, Christy, and her granddaughter, Chloe. A wife, mother, grandmother, and writer, she considers her greatest accolade to be known as a child of God.

Ritter shares, “The kingdom of God consists of 'righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit' (Romans 14:7 NASB). Those who enter must 'come like a child' (Matthew 19:14). How did children respond to Jesus when He walked on the earth? They ran to greet Him with pure joy, played in His presence, and reveled in His love. They had no complicated theological questions to ask. They just enjoyed His company, responded to His words of love, and knew with simple childlike trust that it would always be good to be with Him. Jesus said, 'The kingdom of God belongs to such as these' (Matthew 19:14).

“It is so simple to relate to Jesus in this way. Who complicated it? Ecclesiastes 7:29 (Good News Translation) says, 'God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated.' Paul expressed concern over the believers in 2 Corinthians 11:3, stating that their minds 'might be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.' Your spiritual walk is about your relationship with Jesus Christ, pure and simple. Do you love Him? Do you obey Him? Is He your first love? Do you always return to Him, asking for forgiveness when you mess up? It’s really that simple.

“These poems are about a relationship. Some are personal experiences; others chronicle universal themes. It is my hope that they will lead you into a closer walk with Jesus so that you too can express your relationship with God as I did in God and Me: Poetry.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ann Ritter’s new book evokes a heartfelt sense of comfort as readers immerse themselves within each spiritually charged installment.

Consumers can purchase “God and Me Poetry” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God and Me Poetry,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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