Alton Lynn Cooper’s Newly Released "Grampa Hal Hats with Headlights," is a Sweet Story of Adventure Between a Young Boy and a Doting Grandfather

“Grampa Hal Hats With Headlights,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Alton Lynn Cooper, is a fun adventure that shares important lessons of faith and God’s creation as Little Davey learns about creatures that live in the water.

Alton Lynn Cooper’s Newly Released "Grampa Hal Hats with Headlights," is a Sweet Story of Adventure Between a Young Boy and a Doting Grandfather
Lansing, MI, August 11, 2023 --( “Grampa Hal Hats With Headlights”: a touching story of family, connection, and working through the rough patches. “Grampa Hal Hats With Headlights” is the creation of published author Alton Lynn Cooper, an ordained minister who has served as a deaf pastor at his local church in Holt, Michigan, for the past forty-five years. During this time, Alton also served in prison ministry at the Carson City Regional Correctional Facility in Mid-Michigan working with both deaf and hearing individuals. Along with serving in ministry, Alton worked as a manufacturing manager in the automotive industry for General Motors Corporation. He and his wife have ten adult children, seven sons and three daughters, and a host of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Cooper shares, “Hats with Headlights is the third book in the Grampa Hal series. Grampa comes to visit Mama and Little Davey and brings some very curious things. Davey becomes scared when Grampa tells him that they will go crawling in the night, searching for other things that will be crawling with them. Grampa takes Mama and Little Davey to two special places to teach them about God’s amazing creation of creatures that live in the water. After crawling in the night with Grampa, Davey receives some shocking news that turns his little world upside down and causes him to enter into a deep sadness.

“Come on, let’s get going over to Maplewood Avenue for another special adventure with Grampa, Mama, and Little Davey Gibson.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Alton Lynn Cooper’s new book is a charming new installment to the series, “The Life and Stories of Grampa Hal and Little Davey Gibson.”

Consumers can purchase “Grampa Hal Hats With Headlights” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Grampa Hal Hats With Headlights,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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