The Newly Released Title, "The Adventures of Cody and Jodie: The First Day of School," by Kimberly Allen-Tunsil, is a Sweet Tale of Overcoming First Day Jitters

“The Adventures of Cody and Jodie: The First Day of School,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Kimberly Allen-Tunsil, is a heartwarming narrative that offers encouragement and reassurance to young readers beginning their educational careers.

The Newly Released Title, "The Adventures of Cody and Jodie: The First Day of School," by Kimberly Allen-Tunsil, is a Sweet Tale of Overcoming First Day Jitters
Covington, GA, August 16, 2023 --( “The Adventures of Cody and Jodie: The First Day of School”: an uplifting opportunity to practice discussing one’s worries and relying on prayer. “The Adventures of Cody and Jodie: The First Day of School” is the creation of published author Kimberly Allen-Tunsil, a dedicated wife and mother of three.

Allen-Tunsil shares, The Adventures of Cody and Jodie is a children’s book series that is designed to help children and parents apply the Word of God in their everyday lives through everyday experiences. As a mother of two young children, Kimberly takes to heart Proverbs 22:6 KJV, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” She strongly believes in teaching her children the ways of the Lord at a young age so as they grow, they will be prepared for kingdom work. Thus, she desires to share this journey with other parents and children as well.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kimberly Allen-Tunsil’s new book a charming installment to the author’s planned series, “The Adventures of Cody & Jodie.”

Consumers can purchase “The Adventures of Cody and Jodie: The First Day of School” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Adventures of Cody and Jodie: The First Day of School,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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