Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s New Book, "Born of the Water Born of the Spirit," is a Discussion of the True Meaning of Salvation by Comparing Physical Birth and Spiritual Birth

“Born of the Water Born of the Spirit,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Dr. Ernest S. Martin, is a potent argument for the fundamentals of birth and rebirth in Christ as readers discover an articulate discussion of redemption and salvation.

Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s New Book, "Born of the Water Born of the Spirit," is a Discussion of the True Meaning of Salvation by Comparing Physical Birth and Spiritual Birth
Melissa, TX, September 08, 2023 --(PR.com)-- “Born of the Water Born of the Spirit”: a potent reminder of God’s unwavering promise. “Born of the Water Born of the Spirit” is the creation of published author Dr. Ernest S. Martin, who studied pre veterinary medicine at North Dakota State University. He received his DVM from Oklahoma State University. While doing post-doctoral research at OSU, he met his wife, Jan, who was doing graduate work in chemistry. They were married eleven weeks later in 1966. After selling his veterinary practice at age sixty-two, he went to firefighter school and became a volunteer firefighter, and he is currently the chaplain of the Melissa Fire Department. Ernest and his wife, Jan, have four sons, five granddaughters, and one grandson.

Dr. Martin shares, “When the Holy Spirit reveled to the author, Ernest Martin, a veterinarian with a medical background, that the spiritual birth was identical to the physical birth, this revelation became a life-changing experience. People are always asking and seeking miracles. What is a greater miracle than a sperm uniting with an ovum (egg) and becoming a living cell with the potential to develop into a human being? That living cell (zygote) does not have any resemblance to a fetus. From the process of fertilization to the growth process, it is all programmed in the zygote to divide and multiply and to eventually resemble its mother or dad or a combination of both.

“Just like when we receive Jesus as our Savior, we become a whole spiritual being in the image of God. We don’t look or act much like Jesus at this stage. We look more like the zygote, but we are complete in Jesus. If we desire the sincere milk of the Word and then progress to the meat of the Word, we will grow up into the full stature of Jesus. This process is so well-defined in the physical birth process that we can see how we grow as we spend time in the Word that we may eventually look and act like Jesus Christ.

“What a miracle and life-changing event to understand the growth process ordained and carried out by God Almighty.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s new book explores the biological and the spiritual in clear and understandable terms for believers both new and established.

Consumers can purchase “Born of the Water Born of the Spirit” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Born of the Water Born of the Spirit,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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