Terry D. Newman’s Newly Released "It’s Not Always About You" is a Powerful Reflection on the Ups and Downs of Over Fifty Years of Shared Love

“It’s Not Always About You,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Terry D. Newman, is a touching opportunity to view a window into the life and love of a couple who worked through the highs and lows of life together.

Terry D. Newman’s Newly Released "It’s Not Always About You" is a Powerful Reflection on the Ups and Downs of Over Fifty Years of Shared Love
Montgomery, TX, September 15, 2023 --(PR.com)-- “It’s Not Always About You”: an important reminder of the blessings and challenges of the marital bond. “It’s Not Always About You” is the creation of published author Terry D. Newman, a dedicated father, grandfather, and father-in-law who celebrates the fifty years he shared with his dearly departed wife, Kathy.

Newman shares, “This book has been written to thank and honor God for his love and the gift of my wife, Kathy.

“A love story of a couple only God could have brought together.

“Blessings come in many different ways and at times in our life when we are least expecting them. Other than my salvation, the biggest gift God has ever blessed me with was undoubtedly my wife, Kathy. She is not only an amazing gift from God but a living testimony and inspiration of how I believe God asks us to live each day to show and share his love for others. I hope to share with others what real love and sacrifice in a marriage can do, if given from your heart, and appreciating what God has given each of us, if we just look, listen, and believe, he will guide us each step daily. I have known for almost fifty years, how special my wife has always been, long before God chose to take her to heaven.

“Kathy, my loving wife, this book is written for you through God’s words, in hope others can learn and live life as the beautiful example you have set before us all. Please know you not only are my wife but still what my world revolves around each day. Thank you for the inspiration and influence you bring to my heart every day.
God is still allowing you to guide me in all I do each day. You, Kathy, have taught me what love really is, and I praise God for him letting us spend this life with each other. One last thing, please know—honey, I miss us!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Terry D. Newman’s new book will tug at the heartstrings as readers reflect on the intimate journey found within.

Consumers can purchase “It’s Not Always About You” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “It’s Not Always About You,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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