Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s Newly Released "Demon Possession Demon Deliverance False Prophets" is a Helpful Resource for Anyone Studying Satan and the Demonic Realm

“Demon Possession Demon Deliverance False Prophets,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Dr. Ernest S. Martin, is a compelling discussion of an often-overlooked aspect of spirituality that explores the dangers of demonic spirits.

Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s Newly Released "Demon Possession Demon Deliverance False Prophets" is a Helpful Resource for Anyone Studying Satan and the Demonic Realm
Melissa, TX, September 27, 2023 --(PR.com)-- “Demon Possession Demon Deliverance False Prophets”: an articulate study of key scripture. “Demon Possession Demon Deliverance False Prophets” is the creation of published author Dr. Ernest S. Martin, who, in high school, studied a curriculum geared to be an engineer but changed to pre-veterinary medicine at North Dakota State University. He received his DVM from Oklahoma State University. While doing post-doctoral research at OSU, he met his wife, Jan, who was doing graduate work in chemistry. They were married eleven weeks later in 1966. After selling his veterinary practice at age sixty-two, he went to firefighter school and became a volunteer firefighter, and he is currently the chaplain of the Melissa Fire Department. Ernest and his wife, Jan, have four sons, five granddaughters, and one grandson.

Dr. Martin shares, “Satan and demonic spirits are topics described in the scriptures that pastors and other Christians want to ignore or of which they are afraid. Even in Jesus’ time, when he cast out demons from the demon-possessed man in the cemetery, and the demons went into the swine, the people wanted Jesus to leave. Today, there is very little teaching on demons, demon possession, demon deliverance, and false prophets.

“There are three types of spirits in the world: the Holy Spirit, demonic spirits, and our own human spirit. In this book, scriptures are given to test the spirits to see if they are from God. In dealing with demonic spirits, one should first know the enemy, Satan, who is an angel fallen from heaven, is the father of lies, and one who desires to rule the world.

“Satan imitates God, possesses men, desires to destroy, and takes men prisoners. A believer in Jesus Christ who is a born-again Christian cannot be demon-possessed because the Scriptures declare that greater is he (Jesus) that is in you than he (Satan) that is in the world. Christians are to put on the whole armor of God to stand against the devil.

“The disciples overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they feared not their lives unto death. God gave the disciples power over the demonic spirits, and he gives Christians that power in Jesus’s name over the demonic spirits. Scriptures and examples are given on how to recognize and deliver demon-possessed people by using the Word of God. False prophets and ministers of righteousness are also discerned by using God’s Word and the fruit of their lives.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s new book shares insight on the ways in which demonic entities may attempt to lure or turn one from God.

Consumers can purchase “Demon Possession Demon Deliverance False Prophets” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Demon Possession Demon Deliverance False Prophets,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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