Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s Newly Released “An Ordinary Man An Extraordinary God” is an Impactful Look Into Miraculous Experiences Along Life’s Road

“An Ordinary Man An Extraordinary God,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Dr. Ernest S. Martin, is a fascinating collection of personal reflections that bring the author’s most cherished and challenging experiences to light.

Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s Newly Released “An Ordinary Man An Extraordinary God” is an Impactful Look Into Miraculous Experiences Along Life’s Road
Melissa, TX, September 29, 2023 --(PR.com)-- “An Ordinary Man An Extraordinary God”: a potent reminder of the ever present hand of God upon our lives. “An Ordinary Man An Extraordinary God” is the creation of published author Dr. Ernest S. Martin, a native of North Dakota who studied a curriculum geared to be an engineer but changed to pre-veterinary medicine at North Dakota State University. He received his DVM from Oklahoma State University. While doing post-doctoral research at OSU, he met his wife, Jan, who was doing graduate work in chemistry. They were married eleven weeks later in 1966. After selling his veterinary practice at age sixty-two, he went to firefighter school and became a volunteer firefighter, and he is currently the chaplain of the Melissa Fire Department. Ernest and his wife, Jan, have four sons, five granddaughters, and one grandson.

Dr. Martin shares, “After retiring as a veterinarian, the author had much more time to spend with others, so he related stories of many of the experiences in his life. He was asked by family, friends, and others with whom he had shared if he had recorded these stories. Ernest never wanted to write his life story, but God revealed to him that he should record his experiences and title the book An Ordinary Man, An Extraordinary God.

“His procrastination to write ended when he had a back fusion with two rods and ten screws which required him to lay on a bone stimulator for four hours a day for six months; and during that time, he was not able to do any physical work. The book would show how God could take a country boy raised on a farm and use him to bring glory to God. Explaining how God used him could encourage others who also thought they were 'nobodies' to realize that God could use any person that believed in God and spent time in His Word to walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit.

“The book begins just before Ernest received Jesus as his Lord and Savior and continues showing how, through His Word, the author received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, learned to walk in the Spirit, witnessed about God to others, prayed the prayer of faith for healing, cast out demons, and did other works of God. His walk with God and how he grew in faith is shared chronologically in the book. Now he could understand the groaning of the spirit within a Christian for the day of redemption when he would enter God’s presence and be with Jesus for eternity.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Ernest S. Martin’s new book will bring readers a thoughtful celebration of life’s blessings as a series of miracles unfolds.

Consumers can purchase “An Ordinary Man An Extraordinary God” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “An Ordinary Man An Extraordinary God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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