Debbie Hicks’s Newly Released “Addiction To The Biggest Worshiping Place Is The Media, It Is Not the Church” is a Fascinating Discussion on Addiction

“Addiction To The Biggest Worshiping Place Is The Media, It Is Not the Church” from Christian Faith Publishing author Debbie Hicks is a compelling look into the realities of addiction to social media, film, television, and much more that raises questions related to the interconnectedness of faith and false idols.

Debbie Hicks’s Newly Released “Addiction To The Biggest Worshiping Place Is The Media, It Is Not the Church” is a Fascinating Discussion on Addiction
Lafayette, IN, November 17, 2023 --( “Addiction To The Biggest Worshiping Place Is The Media, It Is Not the Church”: a potent reminder of the subtlety of temptation in the modern world. “Addiction To The Biggest Worshiping Place Is The Media, It Is Not the Church” is the creation of published author Debbie Hicks.

Hicks shares, “The media has many strings to pull, and it causes a big hold on believers and unbelievers. James 3 says, 'Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body.'

“This is the same way we are being pulled, but these strings becomes addictive. This is all man-made, not made by God. They are video games, cell phones, social media, television, and more. They are very powerful and addictive. As a believer, I found out how easy it was to get caught up into it before I knew it. Afterward, I could see how clever Satan was using the media to pull many strings to put a hold on us. Boy, how sneaky. We don’t even see it coming. This addiction has become the biggest worshiping place to grab believers in. Even though unbelievers are caught, he is making sure there’s no light shaded on a better life.

“I start asking these questions: Am I one of them? Am I becoming addicted to the biggest worship place, the media? Am I shutting the church out of my life? This is how Satan is disguising himself, by using the media for many ways, and everyone is refusing to pay any attention. Later it becomes an addiction, like a drug. This is how Satan gets believers and unbelievers to worship him. This is how believers are falling in the trap and church worship is leaving their life. Are you shutting the church out of your life? In the end, we find out by letting the media idols become an addiction to our life. Most never realized what was going on. Oh, how easily believers are getting blinded and the unbelievers.

“Believers, don’t forget how you became a believer in Christ and how he changed your life. The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous. Believer, can you hear Christ knocking? He is calling out, 'My hand is stretched down. Take ahold and I will pull you out of the pit you are in. For I am the holy one and only one that can bring you out of Satan’s powerful hold.'”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Debbie Hicks’s new book will encourage readers to break away from the negative influences found within media outlets.

Consumers can purchase “Addiction To The Biggest Worshiping Place Is The Media, It Is Not the Church” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Addiction To The Biggest Worshiping Place Is The Media, It Is Not the Church,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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