Real Estate Virtual Assistant Company Makes Timely Change, Operating Under New Business Model & New Name

Now operating as eRealty Network, LLC, this Real Estate VA realizes that true value is what her clients need most right now, and her new business model and website offer them just that.

Vista, CA, June 13, 2008 --( With the current state of the economy and real estate industry specifically, as a real estate agent, agents need to see the value in every dollar they spend. Now partnering with a virtual assistant is based on the value that agents can expect to receive, rather than how much ever little task is going to cost them, allowing their business to thrive and reach a new level of success.

Pick a package...agents decide what value they want to receive for their money. Real estate agents nationwide will benefit from this structure laid out by eRealty Network, LLC. eRealty Network, LLC - now dubbed The 10 Hour VA - can work with real estate agents to create just the right value package best suited to their real estate support services needs. Whether agents want a package that is designed to take care of all things related to Web 2.0, or they want a listing marketing package, or an inventory maintenance package…or a completely custom package which picks and chooses tasks based on their needs…real estate agents will see the value.

Gone is the day of micro-managing a Real Estate Virtual Assistant, now, when working with Christine Wade, through her website,, agents simply say, “this is the value that I want to receive from The 10 Hour VA”, set up their account and that’s it. Every month they have a certain set of tasks and functions that they no longer need to worry about because they have outsourced them to their partner at eRealty Network, LLC. Market’s change, as everyone is painfully aware right now, and so may an agent's real estate support needs. For this reason, eRealty Network, LLC allows clients to readjust the scope of their partnership with them every 3 months.

eRealty Network, LLC doesn’t punch a time-clock. That’s a waste of valuable time that clients don’t need to be paying for. Instead, they communicate with with their clients throughout the month as they work on their real estate support needs and keep them updated as to their progress in simple, human communication methods. The Value of 10…that’ what they’re selling. They don’t want to be the source that agents farm out tiny projects to every once in awhile. They want to build a long term relationship with their clients and their business, through 10 hours per month, they will grow with their clients as a business partner and will have a vested interest in their clients' success.

Simplicity sells. Times are complicated. People long for human relationships, someone to care about them and their business success. Partnering with eRealty Network, LLC for all of an agent's real estate support services needs will bring simplicity, caring and success back to their lonely real estate business. Home buyers and sellers will thank their agents, tell them that you’ve learned The Value of 10. also operates, and rightly so, under the vanity plate domain names of: and – visit one of them today to get started building a relationship with Christine Wade, The 10 Hour VASM.

About : Christine Wade has successfully owned and operated, a Virtual Assistant website specializing in Real Estate Support Services, since March of 2000. She has many accreditations and has received many client testimonials over the years. In January of 2007, the business was absorbed under the corporate umbrella of eRealty Network, LLC. Wanting to make changes slowly for the comfort of their existing clientelle, they operated under the old website until June of 2008 when the new website and business model was launched at

eRealty Network, LLC
Christine Wade