Back in Print: 19th Century Classic: "The Hope of Christ's Second Coming," by S. P. Tregelles

Bellefonte, PA, April 09, 2006 --( Strong Tower Publishing, a niche Christian publisher specializing in end-times prophecy titles, has brought back into print the nineteenth century classic “The Hope of Christ’s Second Coming: How Is It Taught in Scripture? And Why?” by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, LLP. Originally published in 1864 to refute the “new” secret rapture teaching — now known as the pretribulation rapture view — the book responds to the origins and early teachings of this now-popular view before it was refined into the more sophisticated version we know today.

Particularly relevant to the rapture debate is that Samuel P. Tregelles was born and raised in London, so he watched the rise of the “secret rapture” view in his own backyard. Consequently, his view on the position’s origins, original theological basis, and rise to popularity provide a particularly poignant and relevant addition to the debate that rages to this day.

Samuel Prideaux Tregelles was born in Wodehouse Place near Falmouth in 1813 and died in Plymouth on April 24, 1875. He was known both as a biblical scholar and a hymnist. His chief critical works include “Hebrew Reading Lessons”; “Prophetic Visions in the Book of Daniel”; “Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon”; “The Original Language of St. Matthew’s Gospel”; “The Jansenists”; “Hebrew Psalter”; “Defence of the Book of Daniel”; “Hebrew Grammar; Collation of the Text of Griesbach and Others”; “Fragments of St. Luke” (Codex Zacynthius); and “The Hope of Christ’s Second Coming,” as well as two lesser works on the same topic, “The Man of Sin” and “The First Resurrection,” soon to come from Strong Tower Publishing. S. P. Tregelles was also a respected textual critic of the ancient biblical manuscripts, with several major works published between 1854–1857.

In most cases, Strong Tower Publishing has maintained the original punctuation and grammar as used by S. P. Tregelles in order to preserve the distinctive nineteenth century tone and style. However, minor edits were made to maintain accuracy and consistency in punctuation and formatting.

Editor's Note:

Additional information and author interviews can be obtained by contacting Strong Tower Publishing at

About Strong Tower Publishing:

Strong Tower Publishing, Bellefonte, PA, is a small Christian publishing company specializing end-times prophecy titles promoting and defending the prewrath rapture position. It currently offers Before God’s Wrath: The Bible’s Answer to the Timing of the Rapture, by H. L. Nigro; Antes de la Ira de Dios: La Respuesta Bíblica Acerca del Momento en que Ocurrirá el Arrebatamiento, by H. L. Nigro; Who Will Be Left Behind and When? by Dave Bussard, Prophecy’s Architecture: How to Build an End-Times Doctrine, by Cameron Fultz; Touching the Soul, a collection of poetry by R. g. Wallace; Know Therefore and Understand: An Explication of the First 69 Weeks of Daniel 9, by T. T. Schlegel; and Do You Really Want to Self-Publish Your Book? a "whether or not to" guide for aspiring self-publishers, by H. L. Nigro.

Strong Tower Publishing
Heidi Nigro
(814) 357-7978