Launches German Shepherd Dog TV (GSD-TV)

Carrollton, GA, June 18, 2008 --(, a well-known website all about German Shepherd Dogs, would like to introduce everyone to their newest service to the public - German Shepherd Dog TV (GSD-TV). GSD-TV is a group of online videos dedicated to the German Shepherd offers you some of the best educational German Shepherd videos you’ll find online. offers new GSD owners - and those interested in owning a German Shepherd - the ability to research over 200 German Shepherd related dog pages using the Internet. "The fantastic GSD breed health and training articles, found at, provides much more GSD information and links to several resources that can help German Shepherd Dog lovers make the correct choice when deciding on the perfect dog for them.

The site, described as "impressive" by Gayle Robinson, a manager for Ditto's, Inc., and also a lifelong dog lover, "provides great content on the German Shepherd, but it also has a great GSD dog newsletter, a blog, GSD related training and health articles, and tons of German Shepherd related information on supplies for puppies or dogs."

"Further, it's a very well done and comprehensive GSD only site. The site is designed in such a way as to offer greater research material for potential dog owners or those who just got a new German Shepherd puppy than similar dog sites", Robinson said. "Unlike most other GSD dog sites, doesn't just provide links to other GSD information; it offers helpful content and dog related news to even the biggest dog newbie there is," she said.

Debbie Ray, the site's creator, a lifelong dog lover and current owner of two German Shepherds of her own, said she created the site in the first place after seeing many new dog owners struggle to find information about the German Shepherd breed before making that lifelong commitment. "Because I love these dogs so much and because I create websites as well, I realized the potential of this incredible new tool for people to broaden their German Shepherd related searches with loads of content in one spot. And with the new addition of our GSD-TV Area, we can reward our visitors with even more great German Shepherd information not found anywhere else on the web."

Debbie Ray