Macroaxis Launches Portfolio Builder and Equity Market Screener
Macroaxis Corporation, a software company specializing in on-demand solutions for the wealth management sector, announced today the availability of next release of its Wealth Management Collaboration Platform.
San Francisco, CA, June 18, 2008 --( Over the last 30 years, Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) established itself as a sound methodology for professional money managers and financial advisors to take a more disciplined and responsible approach toward building wealth for their clients. With advancements in technology, and the availability of computing power to perform very intensive mathematical calculations, the paradigm of MPT can now be brought to the masses. Macroaxis is proud to provide the first on-demand product and community to give investors the ability to create optimal portfolios at virtually no cost.
As the company now provides end-to-end hosted and integration solutions for Wealth Management Boutiques and Independent Financial Advisors, it is continuing to deliver free services to private investors of all levels. The subset of companies Wealth Management Platform is now available on Facebook, Bebo, Google, and as on-demand applications and gadgets. The company also released many other exiting new features including comprehensive Market Screener and instant Portfolio Builder.
Macroaxis Market Screener and Portfolio Builder provide ability to access equities from domestic exchanges including stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate investment trusts (REITs), and indices and empower investors to perform sophisticated portfolio analyses very quickly--even novice investors can perform a professional portfolio analysis in a matter of minutes.
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As the company now provides end-to-end hosted and integration solutions for Wealth Management Boutiques and Independent Financial Advisors, it is continuing to deliver free services to private investors of all levels. The subset of companies Wealth Management Platform is now available on Facebook, Bebo, Google, and as on-demand applications and gadgets. The company also released many other exiting new features including comprehensive Market Screener and instant Portfolio Builder.
Macroaxis Market Screener and Portfolio Builder provide ability to access equities from domestic exchanges including stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate investment trusts (REITs), and indices and empower investors to perform sophisticated portfolio analyses very quickly--even novice investors can perform a professional portfolio analysis in a matter of minutes.
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Macroaxis Corporation
Ellen Johnson
650 922 2600
Ellen Johnson
650 922 2600