Incest Over-Comer Encourages Abused Women with the "Hug Me" Comfort Pillow™

Encouraging abused women to take charge of the past, soar above the pain and land victoriously in the present, using other people’s experiences as a witness to what future possibilities hold.

Cocoa, FL, June 18, 2008 --( Every year thousands of children are sexually abused and may end up taken from their homes, or left there to fiend for themselves or they grow up. Sexually abused children eventually become abused adults with issues.

Blondie L. Clayton was one of those kids who grew up as an adult with issues. Separated from her parents at 7 and shifted around from family member to family member, Clayton was reunited with her mother at 13 after she had been the victim of incest, molested and raped by a teacher and family friend.

“I remember wanting to tell my mother what had happened to her children. I finally got up enough confidence after we were with her a couple of months. Somehow her response left a hole in my heart. I was expecting more. All she kept saying was, ‘It’s over now. You’re going to be all right'," says Clayton.

Clayton never felt like it was going to be all right but there was a turning point where she realized that she could not look to even her mother for protection. That was the moment she took control of the things she could and shut the door on what she couldn’t. She began to focus less on what had happened and began to look at what she could do with the rest of her life.

It is this attitude that has helped her to make a difference in a number of lives, particularly, the lives of women and girls who have been abused.

After a local newspaper ran her story during Women’s History month, Clayton was inundated with calls from women who couldn’t wait to tell their stories to someone who would understand. Some wanted to write a book, others just wanted a shoulder to cry on.

As the calls slowed down Clayton reflected on each of those calls from the notes she had made from each, as she listened patiently. A few weeks later she spoke to her husband Frank about her desire to reach out and hug each of them-- “something they probably have never enjoyed,” said Clayton.

In her quest to always do more, Clayton turned her desire, thoughts and passion to see lives transformed into The “Hug Me” Comfort Pillow™ for women and girls who have been abused.

“I didn’t know that it would touch hearts like it did. I’ve been there and I am walking victorious over that part of my past. Now I know why I have been allowed to be a forerunner. The ‘Hug Me’ Comfort Pillow™ will serve as a point of contact. The abused person is encouraged to focus on the message, to release themselves, let go of their burdens,” says Clayton.

Today Clayton enjoys writing, coaching writers into published authors and teaching others how to re-create their lives. Clayton is particularly thankful for having achieved a balanced life, which includes a reconnection to the Spirit.

For details on the Share -a- Hug Project, visit Volunteers needed to make pillows. Supplies to make pillows also welcome. For further information, or to arrange for an interview, you may contact Blondie at, visit her web site at, or call 321-637-1128.

Changing Lives Changing The World, Inc.
Frank Clayton