P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) Introduces Its Newest Women of Empowerment Members

Manhasset, NY, March 15, 2024 --(PR.com)-- P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) is proud to introduce their newest Women of Empowerment members who have been honored for their contributions and achievements in the many fields listed.
About the New Women of Empowerment Members
P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) is pleased to introduce the newest Women of Empowerment members who are now recognized members of P.O.W.E.R.:
Abigail D. Mitchell--Interior Design
Adrian Verdedette Abbott--E-Commerce
Alisia Carnovsky--Healthcare
Allegra Butler--Education
Alyse Nicole Arpino--Theater/ performing arts
Alyssa Kehr--Advertising/Marketing
Amanda Bradford--Real Estate
Amanda Wood--Advertising/Marketing
Amanda K. Anderson--Healthcare
Ana Stariha--Advertising/Marketing
Andrea Tintrup--General Dentist
Andrea Leigh Cox--Alternative Medicine
Angela M. Cumbo--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Anna Marie Montgomery--Creative Art
Armina Kajdic--Real Estate
Ayanna Kai Thompson--Life Coaching
Betty J. Houbion--Social Services
Beverly Marquez--Education
Bobbi Jo Nichols--Healthcare
Brenda M. Boyce--Entertainment
Cami Smalley--Life Coaching
Candice Coopman--Real Estate
Carmen Delane Hill--Education
Carol Ann Radcliffe--Textiles
Carrie R. Clark--Retail Industry
Casey Kilchrist--Banking
Cheryl Fratello--Law/Legal Services
Christa Zangara--Apparel/Fashion
Christina Hassan James--Consulting
Christine P. Baeza--Real Estate
Cindy Hounsell--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Claudia F. Haberland Granger--Psychic
Constance J. Watkins--Healthcare
Courtney G. Bethea--Food/Beverages
Cyndy Trimmer--Law/Legal Services
Danica J. Dorlette--Public Health
Danielle Parton--Food/Beverages
Deana Ambrosio--Advertising/Marketing
Deborah A. DeMarta--Healthcare
Debra Smith--Financial Services
Diane Gysin--Alternative Medicine
Diane Merrill-Wigginton--Publishing
Diane E. Pryor-Holland--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Dominique M. Martin--Mental Health Care
Dothula E. Baron--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Elisabeth Bernhardt--Advertising/Marketing
Elizabeth J. Diamond--Real Estate
Elizabeth R. Austin--Music
Emily R. Casey--Law/Legal Services
Erin Moriarty--Journalism
Erin E. Dunnavant--Law/Legal Services
Gina Hookway--Publishing
Gwengale J. Parker--Ministry
Heather Katz--Fine Art
Heather R. Mineart--Education
Heidi Keyvan--Real Estate
Hellen Jeter--Mental Health Care
Holly A. Coffee--Hospitality
Holly A. Rubick--Education
India Roberts--Financial Services
Indira Rivera Rivera--Alternative Medicine
Irene Lennon--Creative Art
Irina S. Fiorella--Real Estate
Jacqueline O. Dansby--Education
Jana G. Hirsekorn--Pet Care
Janice Delvecchio--Logistics/Procurement
Jenell R. Ross--Automotive
Jennifer Hartmann--Education
Jennifer Velasco--Real Estate
Jenny Benjamin--Education
Jessica L. Bradley--Food/Beverages
Joy Gartzke--Real Estate
Judy A. Hood--Publishing
Judy Diana Villecco--Publishing
Karen Clark-Reddon--Hospitality
Karla Vandenberg--Personal Services
Karol M. LeBrun--Catering
Kasye Neill--Apparel/Fashion
Katherine Roeper--Human Resources/HR
Kathleen Bremer--Healthcare
Kay A. Posillico--Mental Health Care
Kenisha A. Richards--Childcare
Kerry Schultz--Law/Legal Services
Kerry A. Audino--Healthcare
Kim Thaler--Real Estate
Kimberly Cacciaguida Ryan--Animal Care
Kimberly Dixon-Foushee--Financial Services
Laila M. Jorns--Education
LaKeisha Davis--Insurance
Lana M. Johnson--Healthcare
Lana S. Rauhauser--Healthcare
Lashundra Strother Wiley--Financial Services
Laura Jean Ewing--Ministry
Laura N. Dixon--Education
Laura S. Highman--Healthcare
Lekesha N. Hayes--Financial Services
Lenka Hladikova--Real Estate
Leslie Rae Bega--Real Estate
Linda Bynum--Healthcare
Linda Paden--Health/Fitness
Lindsay Stewart--Education
Lori Powell--Accounting
Lourdes Cendejas--Non-Profit/Volunteering
L'Tanya Morrow-Cain--Education
Lynda Halama--Education
Maria Bartiromo--Journalism
Maria "Sucy" Collazo--Food/Beverages
Maria C. Serrano--Law/Legal Services
Maria Soledad Gonzalo--Law/Legal Services
Marisa Davis--Accounting
Marissa Acchione--Human Resources/HR
Maritza Roño Refuerzo--Social Services
Mary E. Heard--Education
Mary K. Thomas--Fine Art
Melissa Goldstein--Apparel/Fashion
Melissa Nickelson--Life Coaching
Melissa Hope Matson--Insurance
Michelle Mcelwaney--Health Services
Monica Floyd--Ministry
Monica Leggett--Consulting
Monique N. Robinson--Beauty/Cosmetics
Morgan Rees--Publishing
Nathalie C. Lilavois--Education
Nina St'cyr--Consulting
Parul Makkar--General Dentist
Patricia Farley--Publishing
Patricia A. Smith--Education
Patricia C.A. Sasser--Education
Phyllis G. Bivins-Hudson--Education
Priscilla Arthus--Legal
Pritika Swarup--Beauty/Cosmetics
Rachel E. Clemens--Healthcare
Rebecca A. Onayiga--Mental Health Care
Regie M. Wise--Beauty/Cosmetics
Regina Monique Upshaw--Banking
Renee T. Poppie--Real Estate
Ronna L. Barker--Food/Beverages
Rose J. DiGregorio--Healthcare
Roxanne A. Hanna--Beauty/Cosmetics
Ruth A. Heidebreicht--Technology
Sabine Becker--Motivational Speaker
Sabrina Jarrett--Nutrition/Wellness
Sarah Malone--Alternative Medicine
Sarah L. Marshall--Healthcare
Shamira U. Anderson--Psychic
Sharon Leid--Public Relations/PR
Sinda D. Lewis--Ministry
Sonya L.D. MacDonald--Beauty/Cosmetics
Stacie R. Segebart--Life Coaching
Stacy Cavin--Accounting
Stacy D. Alexander--Accounting
Stephanie R. Davis--Information Technology/IT
Susan Seaton--Education
Suzanne E. Scarlett--Healthcare
Sylvia Bastone--Childcare
Tamara L. Terry--Government
Tammy Sensibaugh--Education
Tammy Sensibaugh--Education
Teresa Villa--Law/Legal Services
Teri St. Pierre--Financial Services
Theresa M. Tremmel-Anderson--Transportation
Tiffany Bryson--Social Services
Tiffany L. Willis--Human Resources/HR
Timea Ciliberti--Alternative Medicine
Tina Nguyen Middleton--Advertising/Marketing
Tonya Turrell--Technology
Traci A. Hill--Coaching
Tracy Alesia--Education
Tracy Lovig--Real Estate
Trinity Rose LeMieux--Environmental Services
Troyauna Williams-Boyd--Retail Industry
Vanessa N. Snell--Healthcare
Victoria M. Sherlock--Education
Wendy Valentino--Accounting
Yanping Yu--Health Services
About P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) and powerwoe.com
P.O.W.E.R is a website as well as a digital and print magazine featuring celebrities and everyday hardworking professional women. Our mission is to provide a powerful network of empowering women who will mentor and inspire each other to be the best they can be. Through our valuable services, our members can network, collaborate with like-minded professionals, gain recognition and obtain knowledge from those who have already achieved success. For more information, visit www.powerwoe.com.
About the New Women of Empowerment Members
P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) is pleased to introduce the newest Women of Empowerment members who are now recognized members of P.O.W.E.R.:
Abigail D. Mitchell--Interior Design
Adrian Verdedette Abbott--E-Commerce
Alisia Carnovsky--Healthcare
Allegra Butler--Education
Alyse Nicole Arpino--Theater/ performing arts
Alyssa Kehr--Advertising/Marketing
Amanda Bradford--Real Estate
Amanda Wood--Advertising/Marketing
Amanda K. Anderson--Healthcare
Ana Stariha--Advertising/Marketing
Andrea Tintrup--General Dentist
Andrea Leigh Cox--Alternative Medicine
Angela M. Cumbo--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Anna Marie Montgomery--Creative Art
Armina Kajdic--Real Estate
Ayanna Kai Thompson--Life Coaching
Betty J. Houbion--Social Services
Beverly Marquez--Education
Bobbi Jo Nichols--Healthcare
Brenda M. Boyce--Entertainment
Cami Smalley--Life Coaching
Candice Coopman--Real Estate
Carmen Delane Hill--Education
Carol Ann Radcliffe--Textiles
Carrie R. Clark--Retail Industry
Casey Kilchrist--Banking
Cheryl Fratello--Law/Legal Services
Christa Zangara--Apparel/Fashion
Christina Hassan James--Consulting
Christine P. Baeza--Real Estate
Cindy Hounsell--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Claudia F. Haberland Granger--Psychic
Constance J. Watkins--Healthcare
Courtney G. Bethea--Food/Beverages
Cyndy Trimmer--Law/Legal Services
Danica J. Dorlette--Public Health
Danielle Parton--Food/Beverages
Deana Ambrosio--Advertising/Marketing
Deborah A. DeMarta--Healthcare
Debra Smith--Financial Services
Diane Gysin--Alternative Medicine
Diane Merrill-Wigginton--Publishing
Diane E. Pryor-Holland--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Dominique M. Martin--Mental Health Care
Dothula E. Baron--Non-Profit/Volunteering
Elisabeth Bernhardt--Advertising/Marketing
Elizabeth J. Diamond--Real Estate
Elizabeth R. Austin--Music
Emily R. Casey--Law/Legal Services
Erin Moriarty--Journalism
Erin E. Dunnavant--Law/Legal Services
Gina Hookway--Publishing
Gwengale J. Parker--Ministry
Heather Katz--Fine Art
Heather R. Mineart--Education
Heidi Keyvan--Real Estate
Hellen Jeter--Mental Health Care
Holly A. Coffee--Hospitality
Holly A. Rubick--Education
India Roberts--Financial Services
Indira Rivera Rivera--Alternative Medicine
Irene Lennon--Creative Art
Irina S. Fiorella--Real Estate
Jacqueline O. Dansby--Education
Jana G. Hirsekorn--Pet Care
Janice Delvecchio--Logistics/Procurement
Jenell R. Ross--Automotive
Jennifer Hartmann--Education
Jennifer Velasco--Real Estate
Jenny Benjamin--Education
Jessica L. Bradley--Food/Beverages
Joy Gartzke--Real Estate
Judy A. Hood--Publishing
Judy Diana Villecco--Publishing
Karen Clark-Reddon--Hospitality
Karla Vandenberg--Personal Services
Karol M. LeBrun--Catering
Kasye Neill--Apparel/Fashion
Katherine Roeper--Human Resources/HR
Kathleen Bremer--Healthcare
Kay A. Posillico--Mental Health Care
Kenisha A. Richards--Childcare
Kerry Schultz--Law/Legal Services
Kerry A. Audino--Healthcare
Kim Thaler--Real Estate
Kimberly Cacciaguida Ryan--Animal Care
Kimberly Dixon-Foushee--Financial Services
Laila M. Jorns--Education
LaKeisha Davis--Insurance
Lana M. Johnson--Healthcare
Lana S. Rauhauser--Healthcare
Lashundra Strother Wiley--Financial Services
Laura Jean Ewing--Ministry
Laura N. Dixon--Education
Laura S. Highman--Healthcare
Lekesha N. Hayes--Financial Services
Lenka Hladikova--Real Estate
Leslie Rae Bega--Real Estate
Linda Bynum--Healthcare
Linda Paden--Health/Fitness
Lindsay Stewart--Education
Lori Powell--Accounting
Lourdes Cendejas--Non-Profit/Volunteering
L'Tanya Morrow-Cain--Education
Lynda Halama--Education
Maria Bartiromo--Journalism
Maria "Sucy" Collazo--Food/Beverages
Maria C. Serrano--Law/Legal Services
Maria Soledad Gonzalo--Law/Legal Services
Marisa Davis--Accounting
Marissa Acchione--Human Resources/HR
Maritza Roño Refuerzo--Social Services
Mary E. Heard--Education
Mary K. Thomas--Fine Art
Melissa Goldstein--Apparel/Fashion
Melissa Nickelson--Life Coaching
Melissa Hope Matson--Insurance
Michelle Mcelwaney--Health Services
Monica Floyd--Ministry
Monica Leggett--Consulting
Monique N. Robinson--Beauty/Cosmetics
Morgan Rees--Publishing
Nathalie C. Lilavois--Education
Nina St'cyr--Consulting
Parul Makkar--General Dentist
Patricia Farley--Publishing
Patricia A. Smith--Education
Patricia C.A. Sasser--Education
Phyllis G. Bivins-Hudson--Education
Priscilla Arthus--Legal
Pritika Swarup--Beauty/Cosmetics
Rachel E. Clemens--Healthcare
Rebecca A. Onayiga--Mental Health Care
Regie M. Wise--Beauty/Cosmetics
Regina Monique Upshaw--Banking
Renee T. Poppie--Real Estate
Ronna L. Barker--Food/Beverages
Rose J. DiGregorio--Healthcare
Roxanne A. Hanna--Beauty/Cosmetics
Ruth A. Heidebreicht--Technology
Sabine Becker--Motivational Speaker
Sabrina Jarrett--Nutrition/Wellness
Sarah Malone--Alternative Medicine
Sarah L. Marshall--Healthcare
Shamira U. Anderson--Psychic
Sharon Leid--Public Relations/PR
Sinda D. Lewis--Ministry
Sonya L.D. MacDonald--Beauty/Cosmetics
Stacie R. Segebart--Life Coaching
Stacy Cavin--Accounting
Stacy D. Alexander--Accounting
Stephanie R. Davis--Information Technology/IT
Susan Seaton--Education
Suzanne E. Scarlett--Healthcare
Sylvia Bastone--Childcare
Tamara L. Terry--Government
Tammy Sensibaugh--Education
Tammy Sensibaugh--Education
Teresa Villa--Law/Legal Services
Teri St. Pierre--Financial Services
Theresa M. Tremmel-Anderson--Transportation
Tiffany Bryson--Social Services
Tiffany L. Willis--Human Resources/HR
Timea Ciliberti--Alternative Medicine
Tina Nguyen Middleton--Advertising/Marketing
Tonya Turrell--Technology
Traci A. Hill--Coaching
Tracy Alesia--Education
Tracy Lovig--Real Estate
Trinity Rose LeMieux--Environmental Services
Troyauna Williams-Boyd--Retail Industry
Vanessa N. Snell--Healthcare
Victoria M. Sherlock--Education
Wendy Valentino--Accounting
Yanping Yu--Health Services
About P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) and powerwoe.com
P.O.W.E.R is a website as well as a digital and print magazine featuring celebrities and everyday hardworking professional women. Our mission is to provide a powerful network of empowering women who will mentor and inspire each other to be the best they can be. Through our valuable services, our members can network, collaborate with like-minded professionals, gain recognition and obtain knowledge from those who have already achieved success. For more information, visit www.powerwoe.com.
Geri Shumer
Syndi Reibman
Geri Shumer
Syndi Reibman
