The Handicapped to Receive More Ethical Care

Medicare Quality Standards to improve ethical practices in Orthotic and Prostheitc services.

New Orleans, LA, June 19, 2008 --( The new Medicare Quality Standards for Orthotics, Prosthetics and Durable Medical Equipment providers are set to take effect in September of 2009. These standards will raise the level of care provided to the handicapped. Part of the new requirements is to have each facility accredited by an accrediting organization as designated by Medicare. During the accreditation process the facility’s physical location, administration, financial management, human resource management, consumer services, performance management, product safety and follow-up care will be evaluated.

In an effort to help small orthotic and prosthetic facilities manage the burdensome requirements National Consulting for Orthotics and Prosthetics has developed a program to help these small facilities achieve accreditation. Small Orthotic and Prosthetic facilities are already finding that many third party payers are requiring facility accreditation and have had to put many hours into preparation for accreditation. By providing the needed support and actually doing an onsite mock survey National Consulting hopes to reduce the burden on the facilities so more tine can be spent on patient care.

Rick Parr, CPO, FAAOP