Author John Johnson’s New Book, "The Great Tribulation and the Resurrection," Provides Insight Into the Time of Great Hardship Before the Second Coming of Christ

Recent release “The Great Tribulation and the Resurrection” from Page Publishing author John Johnson is a thought-provoking read exploring the information found within the Bible about the Great Tribulation, and the prophesied return of Christ as well as the era of peace and final judgment his second coming will call in.

Author John Johnson’s New Book, "The Great Tribulation and the Resurrection," Provides Insight Into the Time of Great Hardship Before the Second Coming of Christ
Davidsonville, MD, May 29, 2024 --( John Johnson, who rededicated his life to Christ after initially serving the Lord half-heartedly, has completed his new book, “The Great Tribulation and the Resurrection”: a gripping and engaging read exploring the inferences made by the author about the period of time before Christ’s return, utilizing Biblical passages to support his conclusions.

“Most preachers, prophets, and evangelists believe that Jesus Christ will return before the great tribulation begins, so Jesus Christ’s second coming will result in mankind almost wiping themselves off the face of the earth by using nuclear weapons,” writes Johnson. “But if a person reads the Bible very carefully with an open mind (not what you personally believe in), asking God to give you wisdom and understanding on this matter, it will be very clearly an indication to a person that the season is very close for Jesus Christ’s return after the tribulation. ‘And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake (saints) those days shall be shortened’ (Matthew 24:22). Matthew 24:29–31 explains it very well.

“Before that great day of the resurrection, many astounding events must take place on earth. The seven-year tribulation will be a result from the rejection of Jesus Christ’s salvation. ‘And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold’ (Matthew 24:12). Mankind shall become worse and worse, taking heed to seducing spirits (being evil in the sight of God); as a result, many will face disasters and destruction during the great tribulation (the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired) Oxford Language Dictionary. But Jesus will take care of those who are faithful in serving Him. He will keep them in a safe place and provide their every need. But those who are lukewarm toward God (not serving him with a whole heart) will suffer persecution and some will be killed. When studying the Holy Bible there are many commentary books, history books, secular history books that a person can line up with Bible prophecy to get the correct answer to a particular scripture that a person doesn’t understand. But be careful with certain commentary books because I found out they can be misleading.”

Published by Page Publishing, John Johnson’s enlightening tale will help readers prepare for the end times as prophesied by the Bible, allowing them to ready their souls for Christ’s teachings and God’s ultimate promise of Salvation.

Readers who wish to experience this compelling work can purchase “The Great Tribulation and the Resurrection” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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