Norbert Negron’s Newly Released "The Bowhunter" is a Gripping and Patriotic Adventure Exploring Faith, Resilience, and the Fight Against Corruption

“The Bowhunter” from Christian Faith Publishing author Norbert Negron is a thrilling narrative that delves into the timeless struggle between good and evil in a contemporary setting. The story follows the journey of a renowned hunter whose faith and resilience are tested to the extreme.

Norbert Negron’s Newly Released "The Bowhunter" is a Gripping and Patriotic Adventure Exploring Faith, Resilience, and the Fight Against Corruption
Deland, FL, June 17, 2024 --( “The Bowhunter,” an electrifying saga of belief, perseverance, and the struggle against injustice, is the creation of published author, Norbert Negron.

Negron shares, “In a contemporary story with the never-ending battle between good vs. evil, the renowned hunter’s faith was tested to the extreme, beyond his human abilities...

“Ray Rod had become a very successful man, grateful to God for a full and happy life. His morals and testimony for Christ were evident in his daily walk, and through his writings and speeches to the outdoors’ sportsmen. And then, bad men, good men, wild beasts, weather, and nature were unleashed to come after him, hunting for his life...

“This epic Christian tale filled with thrilling action and crime is the result of unwarranted persecution from corrupt agents, a powerful fringe leftist, and the biased media when wealth is used to crush and silence the hunter’s and guns advocate.

“Fake news, the Second Amendment, and government corruption are some of the concerns of today’s American lives painting the background in this impacting patriotic adventure.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Norbert Negron’s new book is an action-packed journey that highlights the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs and the struggle against unjust forces.

Consumers can purchase “The Bowhunter” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Bowhunter,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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