Norma Watenpaugh, CEO of PhoenixCG, Appointed Convenor for Ecosystem Collaboration International Standard

Working group of ecosystem subject matter experts, led by Watenpaugh, to develop guidance on a business model expected to drive one-third of the global economy.

Norma Watenpaugh, CEO of PhoenixCG, Appointed Convenor for Ecosystem Collaboration International Standard
San Jose, CA, June 21, 2024 --( Norma Watenpaugh, CEO of Phoenix Consulting Group, a consultancy focused on improving the value of collaborative business relationships, has been appointed to lead an international working group of subject matter experts to develop guidance on implementing collaborative ecosystems conforming to the ISO 44000 Principles for successful collaborative business relationship management and ISO 440001 Collaborative business relations management framework standard.

Ecosystems are expected to drive one third of the world economy by 2030 and are fast becoming crucial to organizational strategy across all industry sectors to drive growth, innovation, and resiliency. This new technical report for ecosystem collaboration will enable organizations to develop sustainable ecosystems that embody the principles of collaboration.

“I am excited and honored by this opportunity to share my passion and experience in business collaboration, helping companies become more successful in their ecosystem strategies,” said Norma Watenpaugh, Founder and CEO of Phoenix Consulting Group.

Watenpaugh was vetted and selected by the ISO 44001 technical committee based on the depth and diversity of her experience in building and optimizing strategic partnerships and business ecosystems throughout her career.

“We are honored that Norma Watenpaugh, a Global Advisory Board member of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP), will be leading this effort. ASAP has been a sponsor of the US Technical Advisory Group in supporting this standard since 2014 and we are proud to work alongside global leaders and experts like Norma to advance sophisticated alliance capabilities that unlock strategic value through partnership excellence. As ecosystems rapidly emerge as critical drivers of growth, innovation, and organizational resilience across industries, this guidance will provide a comprehensive framework for effectively establishing and optimizing these complex collaborative networks," shares Nicole Boston, ASAP President and CEO.

Among other internationally known ecosystem experts tapped to serve on the working group, are Greg Sarafin, former Global Vice Chair – Partner Ecosystem at EY and widely acknowledge expert in ecosystem collaboration; and Tammy Madsen, Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Santa Clara University and author of Co-Innovation Platforms: A Playbook for Enabling Innovation and Ecosystem Growth.

About Phoenix Consulting Group
Phoenix Consulting Group partners with our clients to optimize collaborative business relationships. We help companies accelerate revenue, tap new sources of innovation and open new markets through effective alliances and partner ecosystems.

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Norma Watenpaugh