The 8th Annual 'Oilfield Christian Fellowship' International Prayer Breakfast Slated for May 2, 2006

OTC attendees offered inspiration through faith while in Houston. Guest appearances by Randy Limbacher, Executive VP, ConocoPhillips and Larnelle Harris, five-time Grammy Award-Winning Vocalist. For tickets, logon to or call toll free 1-800-519-9030

The 8th Annual 'Oilfield Christian Fellowship' International Prayer Breakfast Slated for May 2, 2006
Houston, TX, April 12, 2006 --( The Oilfield Christian Fellowship will hold its Annual Prayer breakfast May 2, 2006, just prior to the opening of the second day of the Offshore Technology Conference, at the Houston Grand Plaza Hotel on Kirby Drive in Houston.

This year’s event features keynote speaker, Randy Limbacher, Executive V.P. of Exploration & Production in North and South America for ConocoPhillips, who will share his experiences in knowing Christ. Special entertainment will be provided by Grammy Award-winning vocalist, Larnelle Harris, whose music was featured in the first Bush administration’s Thousand Points of Light campaign.

For the past 15 years, the Oilfield Christian Fellowship has provided a time of community, reflection, and an opportunity to consider things that matter. Entertainment artists and oil industry icons have lent their talents and support to this gathering of faith-based professionals who understand the value of being together while being inspired by what they hear and see.

“It’s like taking a long drink of very cool water on a very hot Houston day. In the oil industry, it’s easy to forget that at the center of it all, God has a plan for each of us, and what we do for a living is not nearly as important as knowing where we’ll spend eternity,” said Paul Mogabgab, OCF Chairman. “We’ll get a chance to reflect on that when we have breakfast together next month.”

Doors open at 6 AM, and breakfast will be served beginning at 7 AM. To purchase tickets online, logon to or call toll free 1-800-519-9030.

For more information visit or call 832-615-6549.

**The Oilfield Christian Fellowship and the OCF’s International Prayer Breakfast is not associated with the Offshore Technology Conference or the Society of Petroleum Engineers.

About the OCF. In the spring of 1991, two Houston based oil industry businessmen initiated a gathering of Christian men and women who worked in the oil and gas exploration business. A group of 46 met for the first time at the Houston First Baptist Church for breakfast, and the fellowship of oil industry professionals known as OCF was born.

The need for community among those who worked in the rough and tumble world of petroleum exploration and production was evident as that initial gathering launched a monthly luncheon get-together that continues to this day, more than 15 years later. OCF chapters in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Dallas, Lafayette, and New Orleans have been added through the years, and each hosts a similar event each month.

While fellowship initially drew OCF members together, service and outreach to the oil patch has become its mission. Under the leadership of John Bird, Mike Chaffin, Carl Davis, Jim Cook, JM Huber, Paul Mogabgab, and Gayle Stimson, the OCF has launched a world-wide Bible distribution initiative providing copies of "God's Word for the Oil Patch, Fuel for the Soul" a pocket-sized New International Version of the Bible, customized with biographies and testimonies of oil industry professionals whose lives have been changed by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To date, 11,000 Bibles have been printed and sent to drilling rigs, platforms, docks, offices, and heliports. A Spanish translation of this Bible will be published soon.

Currently a new initiative is being researched, addressing the needs of oil field families living and working overseas. Gas and oil exploration is global. Many petroleum workers cope with the added stresses and difficulties caused by separation from those they love. OCF is committed to addressing and meeting the needs of disconnected loved ones through the strength God provides in times of difficulty.

Up-to-date information and other resources are available on OCF's website, including a current schedule of OCF events in eight cities, the posting of job openings within the industry, and contact information of individuals looking for employment.

For more information visit or call 832-615-6549.

Evangelism Tickets, Inc.
Kimberly Patterson