Julia Contreras’s Newly Released "Stones of Remembrance" is an Inspirational Journey of Leadership and Faith

“Stones of Remembrance” from Christian Faith Publishing author Julia Contreras is a captivating exploration of servant leadership and faith. Through her personal experiences as a single mother and leader in various spheres, Contreras shares valuable insights and lessons learned in the valleys of life.

Julia Contreras’s Newly Released "Stones of Remembrance" is an Inspirational Journey of Leadership and Faith
Riverside, CA, July 18, 2024 --(PR.com)-- “Stones of Remembrance”: a poignant reflection on faith and leadership. “Stones of Remembrance” is the creation of published author, Julia Contreras, who has more than twenty-five years’ experience as a leader of leaders in the hospitality and entertainment industry. She currently resides in Southern California, is married, has one adult son and two fur babies. Her hobbies include reading, tea parties, scrapbooking, walking her dogs, and traveling. She regularly serves as a volunteer in her church for the women’s ministry and is an active volunteer police chaplain.

Contreras shares, “God’s grandest gift to women is the calling of leadership in the home, the workplace, and their communities. Servant leadership is a precious honor. The leadership journey can have bumpy roads and valleys, which paves the way for valuable lessons that mold and strengthen each woman to reach her highest potential. The most difficult times will often be in the dark places where the most valuable lessons are learned. God does not waste our tears, heartaches, or sorrows, for He knows them all. The trials are not to harm. They are designed to add value to our life as a master potter molds the clay into a beautiful piece of art. We, too, are beautiful. God created each one of us individually beautiful for His glory. This book is a combination of dark places, hard lessons learned through the valley as a single mom and woman in leadership. The lessons that have taught me is that my life is not for myself or to be lived with selfish ambitions. My life is to glorify God by adding value to those around me in serving them.

“When Jesus came down from heaven to earth, He came to serve. Jesus’s actions reflected an example of servant leadership. I am convinced that God has called me to serve others by not only sharing the hard times but sharing how my future has evolved for His glory, how He can change your life eternally. Our past does not define who we are; the steps we take forward do, choosing to move forward, glorifying the Lord, and sharing all He has done in my leadership journey for His glory. My hope is every woman will recognize her worth in Christ, the gift of servant leadership.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Julia Contreras’s new book offers a compelling narrative of hope, resilience, and the transformative power of faith.

Consumers can purchase “Stones of Remembrance” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Stones of Remembrance,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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