Delivering Biotechnology Solutions to Ensure Economic and National Security at the Government Biotechnology Innovation Summit

The biotechnology community to convene on September 4-5 in National Harbor, MD.

National Harbor, MD, July 29, 2024 --( The 2nd Government Biotechnology Innovation Summit will explore the emerging challenges and ensure that regulatory frameworks keep pace with technological advancements, thereby safeguarding national security interests. On September 4-5 in National Harbor, MD, senior level speakers will highlight the latest developments and future projects within their respective agencies and explore leveraging the latest biotech advancements to address societal challenges, drive innovation, and pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable future.

Attendees at the 2024 Summit will have the unique opportunity to learn from, engage with and ask questions of senior level leaders across the biotechnology community how biotech is transforming the economic, agricultural, healthcare and security landscape of the U.S.

2024 Confirmed Speakers
· Peter Marks, MD, PhD, Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA
· Valerie Reed, PhD,Director, Bioenergy Technologies Office, Department of Energy
· Deirdra Chester, PhD, Director, Office of the Chief Scientist, USDA
· Steven Witte, Director, Biologics Development Module, National Bio and Agro Defense Facility,
· Joanne Andreadis, PhD, Associate Director for Science, Office of Science & Public Health Practice, Office of Readiness & Response, CDC
· Mary Larkin, PhD, Program Manager, BARDA Accelerator Network, U.S. Department of HHS
· Seth Faith, PhD, ST, Senior Scientist, Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences, Air Force Research Laboratory
· Ashley Molinaro, PhD, Director, CBR Division, NSWC Indian Head
· Steph Batalis, PhD, Research Fellow, Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology

2024 Topics of Discussion Will Include:
· U.S. Biotechnology Policy and Innovation: Spearheading DOD Biomanufacturing Strategy Development
· Advancing Safe and Effective Biologics: The Role of Regulatory Science in Public Health
· Addressing the Importance of Biodefense and Biosecurity Measures in Ensuring Naval Force Protection
· Creating Next-Generation Technologies by Driving Innovation and Fostering Economic Growth
· Enhancing Real-World Outcomes Through Biotech Research Initiatives at ARPA-H
· Panel Discussion: National Security Commission on Emerging Biotechnology

DSI is still welcoming Sponsors and Exhibitors for the forum. To learn more please contact Amanda Delgado at or (201) 940-6680.

Active military and government and state personnel attend complimentary. Those interested in participating in the Government Biotechnology Innovation Summit can visit Defense Strategies Institute’s website at Anyone interested in learning more or sending questions please contact Jessica Joaquim at or (201) 824-0077.
Defense Strategies Institute
Jessica Joaquim