Evidence-Based Advanced Wound Care Clinic Coming Soon
SAAK Health Neighborhood Specialty Care has partnered with Shared Health Services, a leader in compliance-focused wound care, to open a new Wound Care Clinic in Brookfield, WI. This clinic will be dedicated to healing wounds that are particularly difficult to heal. The Wound Care Clinic and Hyperbaric Medicine Center at SAAK Health will offer the most comprehensive, modern, and compassionate wound care available.

Brookfield, WI, August 21, 2024 --(PR.com)-- www.saakhealth.com/images/SAAK-Health-Wound-Care.svg
Not every wound is chronic, but when a non-healing wound develops, it demands special attention. Research has consistently shown that, with proper treatment and guidance, even the most persistent wounds can be healed.
SAAK Health Neighborhood Specialty Care has partnered with Shared Health Services, a leader in compliance-focused wound care, to open a new Wound Care Clinic in Brookfield, WI. This clinic will be dedicated to healing wounds that are particularly difficult to heal. The Wound Care Clinic and Hyperbaric Medicine Center at SAAK Health will offer the most comprehensive, modern, and compassionate wound care available. It will provide cutting-edge, evidence-based treatments often approved by the FDA, Medicare, and the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS).
Advanced treatment options provided by SAAK Health will include:
· Patient and wound assessments
· Wound measurements and photographs
· Laboratory and vascular evaluations
· Debridement to remove dead or infected skin tissue
· Advanced wound dressings
· Negative pressure wound therapy
· Cellular and/or tissue-based products
· Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
The SAAK Health wound care team will employ advanced clinical approaches, including HBOT, an advanced medical treatment that uses oxygen at higher-than-atmospheric pressure to enhance natural healing for chronic wounds. HBOT is a highly effective option for those suffering from chronic wounds, particularly those caused by diabetes, poor circulation, or vascular disease, and it promotes faster healing as an adjunctive therapy.
Some of the Medicare approved indications for HBOT include:
· Crush injuries
· Skin grafts or flaps at risk of tissue death
· Radiation injuries
· Infections of the skin and bone which are severe
· Non-healing diabetic foot ulcers
“Many chronic wounds arise as complications from various medical conditions,” explains Dr. Priya Asija, MD. She identifies arterial/venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, chronic infections, unrelieved pressure injuries, traumatic injuries, post-operative complications, and radiation injuries as common underlying conditions that often delay the healing of chronic wounds. “Our wound care team will concentrate on identifying the root cause of the wound to determine the most effective treatment plan,” she says.
Led by Dr. Priya Asija, a multidisciplinary team of wound care providers and highly skilled wound care registered nurses will strive to achieve some of the best healing rates in the nation. During the patient’s visit, the team will perform numerous advanced treatment modalities, making it one of the most convenient, comprehensive, and sophisticated wound care facilities in the region.
For further information or to make an appointment at the Wound Care Clinic and Hyperbaric Medicine Center, please call 262.444.5148.
Not every wound is chronic, but when a non-healing wound develops, it demands special attention. Research has consistently shown that, with proper treatment and guidance, even the most persistent wounds can be healed.
SAAK Health Neighborhood Specialty Care has partnered with Shared Health Services, a leader in compliance-focused wound care, to open a new Wound Care Clinic in Brookfield, WI. This clinic will be dedicated to healing wounds that are particularly difficult to heal. The Wound Care Clinic and Hyperbaric Medicine Center at SAAK Health will offer the most comprehensive, modern, and compassionate wound care available. It will provide cutting-edge, evidence-based treatments often approved by the FDA, Medicare, and the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS).
Advanced treatment options provided by SAAK Health will include:
· Patient and wound assessments
· Wound measurements and photographs
· Laboratory and vascular evaluations
· Debridement to remove dead or infected skin tissue
· Advanced wound dressings
· Negative pressure wound therapy
· Cellular and/or tissue-based products
· Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
The SAAK Health wound care team will employ advanced clinical approaches, including HBOT, an advanced medical treatment that uses oxygen at higher-than-atmospheric pressure to enhance natural healing for chronic wounds. HBOT is a highly effective option for those suffering from chronic wounds, particularly those caused by diabetes, poor circulation, or vascular disease, and it promotes faster healing as an adjunctive therapy.
Some of the Medicare approved indications for HBOT include:
· Crush injuries
· Skin grafts or flaps at risk of tissue death
· Radiation injuries
· Infections of the skin and bone which are severe
· Non-healing diabetic foot ulcers
“Many chronic wounds arise as complications from various medical conditions,” explains Dr. Priya Asija, MD. She identifies arterial/venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, chronic infections, unrelieved pressure injuries, traumatic injuries, post-operative complications, and radiation injuries as common underlying conditions that often delay the healing of chronic wounds. “Our wound care team will concentrate on identifying the root cause of the wound to determine the most effective treatment plan,” she says.
Led by Dr. Priya Asija, a multidisciplinary team of wound care providers and highly skilled wound care registered nurses will strive to achieve some of the best healing rates in the nation. During the patient’s visit, the team will perform numerous advanced treatment modalities, making it one of the most convenient, comprehensive, and sophisticated wound care facilities in the region.
For further information or to make an appointment at the Wound Care Clinic and Hyperbaric Medicine Center, please call 262.444.5148.
SAAK Health
Priya Asija, MD or Radhakrishna Janardhan, MD
Priya Asija, MD or Radhakrishna Janardhan, MD
