Art-Tech Rise Celebrates Success of First Hackathon with Innovative Game Demo Focused on Ocean Cleanup

Art-Tech Rise is proud to announce the successful completion of its inaugural hackathon.

New York, NY, August 29, 2024 --( Art-Tech Rise is proud to announce the successful completion of its inaugural hackathon. This exciting event brought together creatives worldwide to blend art and technology in New York City, resulting in impactful and innovative solutions aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

For this pilot, Art-Tech Rise supported the “Life Below Water” Sustainable Goal through two nonprofits, The Ocean Cleanup and Plastic Free July. Rebecca Prince Ruiz, the founder of Plastic Free July, helps “people and organizations around the world take action to reduce plastic waste by choosing to refuse single-use plastic.” She adds that, “what really motivates people is giving them ideas."

The hackathon culminated in announcing its winners: Tina Cruz, Lewis Moran, Grant Aring, and Yizzar Prieto. Their game demo, inspired by the work of Izzy Church and Matty Austin, showcases a creative and impactful approach to addressing a critical environmental issue. Their Unity-based game demo highlights the urgent need for ocean cleanup by focusing on the problem of plastic pollution.

“Art-Tech Rise is dedicated to uniting artists and developers, giving them unique opportunities to showcase their talents to a broad audience of sponsors and potential employers in art and technology. This collaboration not only boosts their visibility but also supports meaningful causes. We believe this synergy drives impactful change while providing the recognition and career opportunities both artists and developers deserve.” — Izzy Church, President, Art-Tech Rise

Art-Tech Rise invites others to support this important cause by making a tax-deductible donation. Every contribution will directly aid efforts in ocean cleanup, helping to address the pressing issue of plastic pollution. To make donations, please visit Art Tech Rise's website.

“Art-Tech Rise is redefining how artworks can become iconic for causes,” said Hugo Seureau, Secretary at Art-Tech Rise, “we are testing a new model for causes to secure donations by intertwining art’s ability to create recurring business models. This approach not only fosters innovation but also provides artists with unique visibility. By merging causes and technology, we give artists a platform to showcase their work globally, amplifying their impact and connecting their creativity with meaningful social change.”

About Art-Tech Rise:
Art-Tech Rise is dedicated to merging art and technology to create innovative solutions that address pressing global issues. Its focus is on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Through events like hackathons and collaborative projects, Art-Tech Rise aims to inspire creativity and drive positive change.
Art-Tech Rise
Izzy Church