Skyward SMS Antifraud: New Generation of SMS Firewall

The new generation of SMS firewalls is embodied in Skyward SMS Antifraud. This innovative solution introduces a fresh approach to traffic verification and blocking, message filtering systems, and seamless integration with switches.

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, September 02, 2024 --( In recent years, SMS A2P traffic has become a prime target for various types of fraud, including spam, phishing, and gambling. These threats compromise security, erode user trust, and risk the loss of profitable routes due to blocking. Traditionally, SMS firewalls have served as a defence against such threats. However, as fraud tactics evolve, there is a need for more advanced solutions. Enter Skyward SMS Antifraud (SSA), a next-generation solution that outperforms traditional SMS firewalls in several key areas.

Real-Time Traffic Verification

One of the most significant advancements offered by SSA is its ability to verify SMS traffic in real-time. Traditional SMS firewalls typically rely on predefined rules and blacklists to filter traffic. These firewalls can only react to known threats after they have been identified and blocked post-factum. This means that any new or sophisticated fraud attempts may slip through, causing damage before the firewall can respond.

In contrast, SSA continuously analyzes each incoming message as it flows through the network. This real-time verification process allows SSA to identify and block potentially fraudulent messages before they reach their intended recipients.

The immediacy of this response is crucial in preventing fraud at its earliest stages, maintaining the integrity of your networks. It also protects end-users from potential threats, including the risk of being blocked by their partners, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs).

Automated Fraud Blocking

Another key difference between SSA and traditional SMS firewalls is the level of automation. While firewalls can block certain types of traffic, they often require manual intervention or periodic updates to address new threats. This reactive approach can be slow and inefficient, leaving networks vulnerable during the gap between updates. Additionally, manual adjustments such as adding new rules or updating blacklists increase the likelihood of human error, potentially compromising the effectiveness of the protection and introducing new vulnerabilities.

SSA, on the other hand, employs advanced algorithms to automatically detect and block fraudulent SMS traffic without the need for human intervention. This capability ensures that even the most sophisticated and rapidly evolving fraud techniques are neutralized quickly and effectively. By automating the detection and blocking process, SSA minimizes the risk of fraud slipping through the cracks.

Seamless Integration with Any Platform

When it comes to integration, traditional SMS firewalls often face limitations. These systems are typically designed to operate on the side of a specific provider or or as a functionality of particular switches, making them less flexible and more difficult to integrate into diverse network environments. This can be a significant drawback for businesses that require a more adaptable solution to secure their SMS traffic across multiple platforms and providers.

SSA is designed with flexibility in mind. It can be seamlessly integrated with any SMS platform, thanks to its use of the HTTP protocol. This means that businesses can deploy SSA across their entire network, regardless of the platforms they use, ensuring consistent protection and security for all SMS communications. The ease of integration also reduces the time and resources needed to implement SSA, making it a cost-effective solution.

Machine Learning for Continuous Improvement

One of the most innovative features of SSA is its use of machine learning algorithms. Traditional SMS firewalls typically rely on static blacklists/white lists or special routing rules, which are updated manually based on known threats. While this approach can be effective to some extent, it lacks the ability to adapt to new and emerging fraud techniques in real-time.

SSA's machine learning algorithms continuously analyze incoming SMS traffic, learning from every new message to improve its detection capabilities. This means that SSA not only blocks known threats but also adapts to identify and mitigate new and previously unknown forms of fraud. By leveraging machine learning, SSA stays ahead of fraudsters, providing a dynamic and proactive defence against SMS fraud.

Skyward SMS Antifraud marks a major advancement in the battle against SMS fraud. With state-of-the-art features, SSA surpasses traditional SMS firewalls in all aspects by preserving your coverage area, ensuring a full margin on blocked traffic, and maintaining a strong market reputation.
Daria Gorbacheva