Cook Book for Charity

Hart ford, CT, June 26, 2008 --( Simple Cuisine The Caribbean and Beyond by: Herbert Henry

Simple Cuisine The Caribbean And Beyond by new author Herbert Henry, takes an innovative look at the culinary world of the caribbean. The book has all the ingredients of a rich story worth reading and its a true labour of love, written by a father to help his sick daughter.

It began in March 2005 when a young lady barely sixteen, started feeling unbearable pain all over her body, and swelling around her nose and eyes. Her parents who were new restaurant owners, living in the caribbean at the time, had to close down their business, to take her to the United States for treatment. The Connecticut Children's Hospital diagnosed her with an auto immune disease call Dermato myositis, and within months, lost her mobility and had to be confined to a wheel chair.

She was taken to Shriners Hospital for Children in Boston, where after weeks of rehab, she regain partial mobility. She has had several relapses of the illness, and is unable to to anything for herself. Dermatomyositis is a serious connective tissue disease, characterise by inflammation of the muscles and skin. Although the cause is unknown, the advent of modern treatment is promising for patients today, with remission being a possibility. Henry's daughter is currently being treated in Connecticut, where she being cared for by both parents. The family is in crisis, the funds have ran low, but they are not giving up on her.

The idea of the book began, when Henry who is a chef, decides to put his culinary ideas to the test, both as catharsis to take his mind off his daughter's illness and to create something from his work that would help raise funds for his daughter's medical care. A percentage of the proceeds from this book goes to a charity, for children with ailments such as Dermatomyositis. The family is grateful for the many donations that they have recieved to defray the cost of their daughter's care.

Simple Cuisine The Caribbean And Beyond gives a main stream guide to caribbean cooking with a creative flare, while offering readers an opportunity to give to a worthy cause.


Herbert Henry
cell phone 860 816 0728