"A Time To Yell: More Than A Statue," Selected for Indie Film Night in LA; a New Documentary Tells the Powerful Story of Charlottesville from a Unique Lens, Their Own

"A Time To Yell: More Than A Statue," a new documentary that tells the powerful story of Charlottesville from a unique lens, their own. After making its world premiere at the American Black Film Festival in June, the documentary continues it screening tour with upcoming festival and campus screenings highlighted being featured at Indie Film Night in LA on October 5, 2024.

"A Time To Yell: More Than A Statue," Selected for Indie Film Night in LA; a New Documentary Tells the Powerful Story of Charlottesville from a Unique Lens, Their Own
Los Angeles, CA, September 24, 2024 --(PR.com)-- "A Time To Yell: More Than A Statue" is a new documentary that tells the powerful story of Charlottesville from a unique lens, their own. After making its world premiere at the American Black Film Festival in June, the documentary continues its screening tour with upcoming festival and campus screenings including being selected for Indie Film Night in LA on Saturday October 5.

The film uncovers the fight to remove the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, shedding light on the historic events that led up to and culminated in the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, from the perspective of the Charlottesville community and Dr. Wes Bellamy, the former Vice Mayor and council member who became a catalyst for these monumental moments.

A Time To Yell: More Than A Statue Official Trailer

The film has been on a festival run this summer gaining momentum following its World Premiere at American Black Film Festival in June, winning the prestigious 2024 BronzeLens Award for Best Documentary and the Audience Choice Award at the DC Black Film Festival.

With the 2024 presidential election rapidly approaching these same polarizing issues which lead to the events of 2017 in Charlottesville continue to divide our country as the gap between the right and the left has never felt wider.

"As our country continues to be divided by the same issues that caused the events of 2017 it is imperative that this story reach the masses," said co-director Eric W. Newman. Newman, who connected with Bellamy shortly after the events of 2017, could see there was a deeper story than just what the news networks were reporting. "There was a community in Charlottesville that stood up against hate when it came to their city and those people had a story to tell," said Newman.

“In this current social and political climate where books are being banned and black history is not being taught in schools, it is imperative for filmmakers and storytellers such as ourselves, to document the truth and not only to document the truth but ensure its dissemination to the public," said executive producer Daryl Davis.

Along with Bellamy and Newman, the producing team of Daniel B. Levin (Co-Director/producer) and Executive Producers Daryl Davis, Marvin Arrington Jr., Charlotte Ducksworth and Ian Swain, have been working to get this film in front of the masses with both festival and pop up screenings as we enter the fall.

The film will be part of Indie Film Night in Los Angeles on October 5 at the TCL Chinese Theater.

Tickets can be purchased here.

To follow the progress of this impactful film on social media follow @atimetoyell on instagram for the latest news around screenings and happenings.

"A Time To Yell: More Than A Statue" is an Untouchable Creative Production in association with Davisville.
Untouchable Creative
Eric Newman