Author Chyna T.’s New Release Details How to Maintain a Strong Roster for Dating, Leaving Men as the Option While Women Become the Prize

Nicole Forrester, Contributor for The Huffington Post, says, "When it comes to dating, a single woman's best friend is The Roster."

Author Chyna T.’s New Release Details How to Maintain a Strong Roster for Dating, Leaving Men as the Option While Women Become the Prize
Atlanta, GA, October 11, 2024 --( Recent studies suggest that 45% of women ages 25–44 will be single by 2030, according to a study by Morgan Stanley because single women are navigating a dating world that’s constantly changing. Too often, they find themselves putting all their energy into one man, only to be left disappointed when things don’t work out. That’s why Never Date Just One, Sis, written by author and certified life coach Chyna T., is an essential read for women who are ready to date with purpose and power. Aimed at women ages 16 to 50, this book is a guide for those who are actively dating but not getting the results they want. Chyna T. shares her own roster dating experience, which led her to her now-husband, and helps women take control of their love lives by keeping their options open.

Why Roster Dating is the Key to Success
Roster dating - dating multiple people at once - might sound unconventional, but it’s a strategy that helps women maintain their value and power in the dating world. This approach is not about playing games or being deceptive; it’s about being intentional, not putting all your eggs in one basket, and giving yourself the chance to explore your options. As Chyna T. puts it, “Roster dating is like trying on different outfits. You don’t commit to buying something until you’ve checked if it fits right, looks good, and makes you feel your best.”

Dating coach and relationship expert Matthew Hussey also supports the concept of dating multiple people at once, explaining that “If you give your energy to just one person too early on, you’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Keep your options open, and let people prove they deserve your time.” (Hussey, 2019).

What You’ll Learn in "Never Date Just One, Sis"
This book empowers women to date from a position of strength and self-respect. Chyna T. teaches you how to date smart, protect your heart, and make men show their real interest through their actions, not just their words. Here’s what readers will learn:

Why Men Love a Challenge: It’s a well-known fact that men are hardwired to love a challenge. Relationship expert Dr. Helen Fisher has researched male and female behavior in the early stages of dating and found that “men tend to value what they work for, and women who aren’t too easily available spark more effort.” (Fisher, 2017). In Never Date Just One, Sis, Chyna shows how being a challenge helps you avoid being taken for granted and ensures men are standing on business about you from the start.

Recognizing the Difference Between a Leader, a Provider, and
a Simp: Not all men bring the same energy to the table, and Chyna helps you distinguish between three key types: a leader (someone who steps up and leads with strength and integrity), a provider (someone who is willing to invest in you emotionally, financially, and spiritually), and a simp (someone who puts in too much effort without adding real value to your life). Understanding these differences gives women the upper hand in deciding who to take seriously and who to let go.

The Power of a Needs Assessment: One of the biggest mistakes women make in dating is not knowing what they really need from a relationship. In Never Date Just One, Sis, Chyna walks readers through a needs assessment that helps identify what’s truly important. Whether it’s emotional support, shared values, or financial security, this exercise ensures that women are clear on what they want, making it easier to evaluate each suitor’s potential.

The Importance of Self-Evaluation Every 6 Months: Chyna emphasizes the need for women to check in with themselves regularly. “As we grow, our needs evolve. What you wanted six months ago may not be what you need now,” she writes. This book encourages women to conduct self-evaluations every six months to ensure that their current dating experiences are aligned with their changing needs. It’s a proactive way to make sure you’re never settling for less than what you deserve.

Why This Book is Crucial for Today’s Single Women
Too many women invest too much, too fast, in relationships with men who haven’t proven their worth. This leads to heartbreak and frustration when things don’t work out. Chyna’s roster dating approach is a solution to that problem. It allows women to maintain control, set boundaries, and only commit when a man shows that he’s serious about her.

According to a study published in Psychological Science, people who keep their dating options open tend to feel more confident and make better choices about who they want to be with (Converse & Hennecke, 2017). This research supports Chyna’s roster dating method, showing that giving yourself options leads to better decision-making in love.

Who This Book is For
If you’re a single woman tired of over-investing in relationships that don’t lead to commitment, Never Date Just One, Sis is for you. Whether you’re 16 or 50, this book will help you navigate the dating world with a clear understanding of your worth. Chyna T. equips women with the tools to date smarter, protect their hearts, and ultimately find a partner who respects and values them.

Dating doesn’t have to be a guessing game where you end up feeling like you’ve lost out. With Never Date Just One, Sis, Chyna T. provides a roadmap for dating with purpose, teaching women how to keep their options open, demand respect, and ensure their needs are met. By the end of this book, women will have a better understanding of who deserves their time and how to spot the qualities that make a man a real contender.

Chyna T., who is now happily married after applying the very roster dating theory she preaches, wrote this book to help women avoid the common pitfalls of dating. Don’t let yourself get played - get empowered.


Hussey, M. (2019). How to Get the Guy: Learn Secrets Most Women Will Never Know About Men. HarperCollins.
Fisher, H. (2017). Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. Henry Holt and Co.
Converse, B. A., & Hennecke, M. (2017). Keeping options open: The detrimental consequences of waiting for others to choose first. Psychological Science.
Author Chyna T.
Chyna T.
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