July 19th 2008: the Jenna Druck Foundation Hosts San Diego’s First Ever Young Women’s Leadership Middle School Program

On Saturday July 19th 2008, The Jenna Druck Foundation’s “Young Women’s Leadership Program” (YWL) will team up with author, advice columnist, and TV personality, Jess Weiner, to host a very special event for the middle school girls of San Diego County. After appearances on MTV, CNN and The Tyra Banks Show; Seventeen Magazine columnist Jess Weiner has designed an interactive interpretation of what it really means to be “Pretty, Hot, & Popular.”

San Diego, CA, June 27, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Following in the footsteps of the annual and immensely successful 11th annual “Spirit of Leadership Conference” for high school girls, The Jenna Druck Foundation proudly presents its first ever middle school program. Over 300 peer & community nominated future female leaders of San Diego in 6th to 8th grade will have the opportunity to join together and shine for a day filled with inspiration, self discovery and recognition.

On Saturday July 19th 2008, The Jenna Druck Foundation’s “Young Women’s Leadership Program” (YWL) will team up with author, advice columnist, TV personality, and the Global Ambassador for the Dove Self Esteem Fund, Jess Weiner, to host a very special event for the middle school girls of San Diego County. After a string of appearances on MTV, CNN and The Tyra Banks Show; Seventeen Magazine Columnist Jess Weiner has designed an interactive interpretation of what it really means to be “Pretty, Hot, & Popular.”

This program defies the traditional idea of what society currently considers “Pretty, Hot & Popular,” encouraging young women to look within themselves to discover their own unique qualities that make them truly “Pretty, Hot & Popular”. Topics include: being beautiful in heart, mind and spirit; discovering and cultivating the personal style, values and vision it takes to be a leader; accepting others; and being a leader in your everyday life. Complimentary refreshments, fantastic peer group discussions, and incredible goody bags will be available for all nominees. Contact JDF directly to nominate or register girls.

The Jenna Druck Foundation was established in 1996 to honor JDF Founder, Dr. Ken Druck’s daughter, Jenna, with two highly acclaimed programs: “Families Helping Families” has assisted thousands of families worldwide who have experienced the loss of a loved one, and “Young Women’s Leadership” providing leadership training to thousands of girls in our community.

For additional information visit www.JennaDruck.org

Jenna Druck Foundation
Leanne Tibiatowski