Democracy for NYC Officially Announces Endorsement of Kevin Powell

DFNYC to Support Powell’s Bid for Congress against Incumbent Ed Towns.

New York, NY, June 27, 2008 --( The Democracy for NYC (DFNYC) has endorsed Kevin Powell for Congress in his race against incumbent Ed Towns. In their recent endorsement vote for the Democratic primary race of the 10th Congressional District in Brooklyn 72% of DFNYCs members voted to support Kevin Powell for Congress. The DFNYC endorsement is a huge step forward for Kevin Powell’s campaign. It is a signal to the local Democratic community that electing progressives like Kevin Powell to Congress is the change our society needs. With the DFNYC endorsement, this major Democratic organization has pledged to put a major effort into Kevin Powell’s primary against Edolphus Towns on Tuesday, September 9th, 2008.

DFNYC is the New York City chapter of Democracy for America, founded by Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee chairperson and 2004 presidential candidate.

About Kevin Powell

Born in Jersey City, NJ, this long-time resident of Brooklyn is a passionate social activist, part of a new generation of leaders, who like Barack Obama, want to bring innovative ideas to Washington, and want to reconnect government with the people he represents. Powell sees a nation in flux that needs strong direction, unifying ideas and idealistic leadership. For the past several years Kevin Powell has devoted himself to organizing, speaking, and writing about sexism and misogyny in the African-American community, preaching opposition to violence against women and girls, and undertaking projects which promote economic empowerment for all Americans.. Powell has criss-crossed the country speaking at a host of community events, colleges and universities, and town hall meetings in hopes of raising awareness to these pressing challenges. He was an early supporter of Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign and worked hard for Obama in Brooklyn. 60% of the constituents in his district voted for Obama in the February 5th primary; his opponent, a super delegate, remained pledged to Hillary Clinton until she conceded.

As an elected official Kevin Powell’s agenda would include an immediate end to the War in Iraq, a massive increase in education funding, a genuine government effort to build affordable housing, implementation of a single-payer universal healthcare system, an immigration policy making all who come welcome, real government involvement in addressing global warming, and expanded job training addressed to the 21st Century, and restoration of the civil liberties so seriously eroded by the Bush Administration. Powell, unlike his opponent, has pledged to accept no money from corporate lobbyists, or companies seeking favors in Washington. Powell has pledged to create a synergy between politics and popular culture to reach Generation X and Y voters. “It is time for new leadership, a new generation, to push us forward, and I want to be a part of that wave of fresh ideas, of new visions, for these times, for the 21st century”, he says.

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Stephanie Aronson