New Targeted Web Traffic Service Offers a Pay for Results Business Model

The new website traffic service offered through is so confident that they can drive the highly targeted web traffic necessary to make sales to a web site that they guarantee their clients will make a minimum level of sales or the service is free for one year.

Manassas, VA, April 14, 2006 --( For the want of targeted web traffic the business was lost!

Http:// comes to the rescue with a new introductory "pay for results" program that will get any online business off the ground fast.

Through a highly sophisticated proprietary system, highly targeted web traffic can be driven to any web site to produce sales and sales is what it is all about.

The great thing about this new service is that clients can get their highly targeted traffic to their web site, make the sales, bank the profits, and then pay for the traffic service. While most traffic services require payment up front, this new targeted traffic service gets paid only after a business makes the sales and has the resources to pay the traffic bill.

While the cost of starting an online business is very cheap by almost any standards, getting the business to be profitable is another thing.

Many small businesses find or create a product, throw up a web site and then wait for the web traffic to start beating a path to their door. Unfortunately, they quickly discover that if they build it, there is no guarantee that people will come.

According to George Dodge of WebsUnlimited, LLC, "Without highly targeted web traffic, the likelyhood of growing a successful online business is bleak. You may have the best product in the world, but if no one knows about it and comes to your web site, no sales will be made." is so confident that they can drive the highly targeted web traffic necessary to make sales to a web site that they guarantee their client will make at least $100,000USD or the service is free for one year.

Now there is no excuse for an online business to languish for lack of quality targeted traffic to their web site.

Hopefully this pay for results model will spread to other online services making the future of small business online marketing even brighter.

WebsUnlimited, LLC
George Dodge